
It’s apt I’m reading this on election day in Canada. “Left wing” acceptance and tolerance vs. right wing fear mongering and anti-Islamic rhetoric have defined this election. I’m on the side of the optimistic and tolerant. Good read!

I believe the correct phrasing is “assholes are pissed.”



This in no way bothers me... I think it’s due to my ability to act like a mature civil adult and enjoy games for being, well just that - games. Nicely done Tripwire.

Please tell me you aren’t being serious. Because if you are being serious, you just proved exactly why tripwire would want this rule.

That wasn’t that user’s point. Nor should you be bringing up body weight, breast size, or anything else like this up in Killing Floor 2. Why? Because it’s going to be used to hurt the feelings of another person. That’s it.

So much hatred. And what for? Help me understand why saying horrible things online makes you feel righteous - because I cannot understand perspectives such as yours.

Not only that but....what the hell does making *that* statement have to do with the game you’re currently playing? Why the hell would that ever come up *besides* to get a rise out of people and be an ignorant dbag?


Good Lord people are assholes. Someone actually had to ask if “Is saying all girls have small boobs sexist?”??? I’m totally fine with these morons not being in games I’m playing.

The grey comment you got just seems to be reinforcing this... Yayyyyyy. I keep telling myself “never read the comments”, and that applies to most everything. The OP of that doesn’t seem to know what an opinion means or what free speech means. It’s the developer’s choice how they want to handle their EULA. I’m all for

Oh darn, people who want to troll the game are so mad they won’t play the game! Darn! I had no interest in this game but now I think I’ll have to buy it just to show support for that no nonsense harassment policy.

Good. I hope more follow suit. It does not take a genius to know the gaming community for the most part is toxic. Trash talk and abuse are to vastly different things. I have stopped playing online for the most part due to how bad things have got. I do play online with friends but not venturing into the random world of

Self-censorship! Don’t let them silence you, even if they are you!

“Bawwwwwwwwwwwww, why can’t I talk about the size of women’s boobs in my shoot people in the fucking face videogame?”

Trash talkers refusing (or threatening to refuse) to buy a game because of a no-nonsense policy against trash talkers? Sounds like they are just doing what the devs want without needing to get the ban hammer.

I actually want to buy this game now.

Still. Judging by a lot of the games I’ve played online, some people genuinely seem to feel that way.

It’s a bold move on part of Tripwire. Killing Floor had a pretty passionate fanbase, and this has seemed to be one of the most anticipated games out there. Honestly, I wish more game companies would do this.