
Don't make me remember the good times when Battlefield had mod support, wasn't on Origin and didn't need Battlelog. It's to painful.

Video game coverage isn’t garbage. I love Kotaku!

I laughed when you called video game Youtubers “creatives”.

There is normal development, as for coding it in. . . most of this stuff is just moving bits and parts of stuff around, or changing the textures slightly (and a visual filter). There isn’t really anything new in there, just renamed, retextured, relocated, disabled, or reconfigured.

If I paid for a product, I damn well expect to get said product when it comes out. And in lieu of said product, I expect a refund. That's not entitlement, that's BUSINESS.

if i paid for it YES THE FUCK I AM. But since nobody knows yet we'll just wait it out.

And if you aren't good at it there should be no way for you to have any fun at all. That'll show em!

Wasted potential? How many programmers, artists and animators are getting their first taste of a craft through fan projects that they could turn into a job down the road? At the end of the video, he says he's still in school. Projects like this give you experience for things like making video games or movies

Oh god. I...might need to do this.

Sleazy guys use knives.

I had class with Lorde back in the day. I do remember her writing her senior thesis on "The Parallels Between VR Technology and Communism: On a Pure Level". I believe she was asked to present it at the New Media's conference that was held at Harvard this past January.

I can't believe Kotaku would allow this misinformation to be put on their website. I have been smoking marijuana for over a decade, and while I have had dry periods that have gone on for years at a time (longest was three years) it's still the best thing on this green earth. How can you let someone who admits to being

Nobody cares. Despite all that time 'doing things that were beneficial', you are still a nobody on the internet just like everyone else who has 'done illegal substances'.

Nice that you know everything about every stoner ever. Time to send all the other psychologists home! Dumbshit.

Your argument is contingent on the assumption that smoking is a "bad" activity. As Gaudy pointed out, if someone said they listen to music after work to unwind, would that be an issue? I'm very happy with my job, but some of us go out to the bar after work to unwind. Is that a problem? The reason you don't

Now replace "smoking to relax" with "working out to relax" or "taking a hot bath to relax" or "listening to music to relax" or "gardening to relax."

Think about it. There are so many stoners not because of the game, but because of the crowd the game targets. 14-20 something year olds with a modicum of disposable income (map packs), an abundance of time, and little social worth. It's the perfect customer Activision never asked for.

I stopped playing COD pretty much after WAW, that game was awesome. You can always tell who smoked a bowl in my party by the way they played for a few minutes :D

Dude, I think this is the most noble of causes, everyone is relaxed after climaxing. If they can spread that I just got done climaxing feeling through the world. It's better than a cure for cancer, it'd end world conflicts in a snap.