
There ya go — only relevant comment on the page.

There is literally no evidence for a mutually toxic relationship. Dykstra says she was abused. Hardwick says she wasn’t.

Yeah, kinda like how women are always guilty until proven innocent of lying about being raped or harassed or treated like shit on a daily fucking basis, huh?

So many mad dudes in their feelings because an abuser of women got called out.

If a woman was the older and more financially/professionally established party, then the power dynamic would favor the woman. Power dynamics have nothing to do with absolving women. They exist independent of gender. Unfortunately, this is a patriarchal society that has only relatively recently welcomed women into the

Hardwick then went on to accuse Dykstra of infidelity

fuck you

Your uncomfortable because if its true...its terrible...and the law … and rather society has turned its head so much that people are afraid or believe they can’t do anything about it. By making it more public...its well a wake up call that what goes on in privacy...shouldn’t be private..not when ..its pretty frigging

“How does him being older present some ‘power dynamic’ imbalance when she’s of legal age?”

Well, she did say she had recordings if it ever reaches a court.

Another clueless dude using the “As a husband, a son, and future father...” BS statement. Commence eye roll.

I don’t read anything about a mutually toxic relationship in his statement. Even if he did claim that to be the case I fail to see how it can be “mutual” when the power dynamics are so clearly unbalanced (he’s 20 years older, to start).

I wonder how many more people would engage in online gaming if the minority of extreme trolls were weeded out?

Good! I’m sick of people treating toxicity like it’s some force of nature, that online games go hand-in-hand with verbal abuse, etc. But it’s not. I applaud developers for taking steps to punish negative behavior and rewarding positive players, but mostly we gamers have to shut out negativity ourselves. Self-policing

No, the decision by the devs to specifically prohibit that choice IS a feature. It is part of the game design, it’s how they want the game to work, that makes it a feature. Games are defined just as much by the things that they do not have as the things they do.

No, the players don’t have the option, that’s the point of his argument. The choice does not exist, it’s determined for you.

Yes, it is a feature. It is part of the game’s design and is functioning as intended, the devs have been quite vocal about that. A feature that you dislike is still in fact a feature. And it’s fine if you dislike that feature, there are many rpgs that allow you to choose gender along with everything else.

Gender in Rust isn’t an option OR choice though. That’s the thing you’re not comprehending. They give you a player and that’s your player. Like Marcus Fenix in Gears of War. Or Master Chief in the Halo single player campaign. Or Lara Croft. Or Super Mario.

There may be no need, but I still wanted to, because as far as I’m concerned, it is. Hey, they can do what they want, I’m still gonna express what I think of it if I want to.