
Tell me you're being facetious. Please.

Who knew that Duke + Duke = David Duke.

Something like that. He is also a valet parking attendant over at GQ. Tip well.

"God Bless Mike." - Chic-fil-A

You know that speech that Liam Neeson gives in the movie Taken? I can quietly hear our mosquitos quoting it when I am in our backyard. We garden organically, but I am very close to making a road trip to Mexico for some "Industrial Strength DDT - Extra Tumor Flavored". I appreciate all of the organic/DIY suggestions,

Oooo...look at you with a "liberal bullshit" comment (I bet you don't go to THAT too often). I'm thinking that took you about a nanosecond to type that or did you just cut and paste it from all other "liberal bullshit" topics you've read like; "Is Water Being Wet A Progressive Conspiracy?" and "Gravity, Nature's

Well that confirms it...you're his agent...or possibly his wife.

"Straight from the box? Straight, from the box."

Let me guess...you're his editor.

You had me at "lash Drew to a chair".

She was wearing her Daisy David Duke's...

If you watch the documentary, all of the designers did a fantastic job. One bike clearly stood out though, and you found it. Incredible...just incredible.

How big is Drew Magary's head...I mean it's approaching Max Von Sydow/Mark McGwire size. 8 1/2 - 8 5/8 uncut?

From what I can tell from this map...South Carolina has herpes.

"Don't make me question your toughness in a passive/aggressive way." - Ron Washington

On a positive note...the police didn't shoot anybody. *golf clap*

There are so many thing wrong with that post that it actually makes it quite right.

Note that if anyone cracks any jokes about this kid Albert Burneko (http://albertburneko.kinja.com/) will kick your ass. He takes parenting (and condiments) very seriously. Very, very seriously. So no "sack" jokes or that "taint" right or "very fluid penmanship". Keep it to yourself. He'll have none of it. Good day

Damnit you two...don't make me turn this plane around! *queue airliner gif*