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    This is my current one. 2001: A Space Odyssey.

    The main problem I've found is that people don't seem to know that the WiiU is a new console. Supermarkets put them right next to each other and the same with the games. I know that this has caused a fair bit of confusion amongst parents trying to buy games for their kids. Many of them think the WiiU is just the

    The only add-ons I have are Adblock+, Omnibar and Reddit Enhancement Suite. As for plugins I have Shockwave Flash, the Google Talk stuff and VLC Web Player.

    I like to try to keep my Firefox lightweight and functional. I'm also using Linux but I'm not sure that'll make much difference between it and the Windows version.

    I've currently got 163 tabs open in Firefox on my 2GB RAM laptop and Firefox is using ~700 MB. I can't do that with Chrome at all, it crashes around the 70 tabs mark.

    I assume he meant a pool as in where everyone places their bets and puts in money and whomever's closest to being right wins it all.

    I'll admit that boob jiggle physics are horribly over exaggerated and this seems to be sort of making fun of that (maybe I'm looking too deeply though) but boobs do kind of jiggle more noticeably than your average penis (average not being average porn star). If it was toned down to an realistic level and boobs on

    I always do one of these, usually with the LCD screen as it only requires one pair of sunglasses. You'd be surprised by the number of glasses claiming to be polarised that really aren't.

    It's a truly brilliant game:

    Every time I hear news about the new Smash Bros. all I'm hearing is excuses.
    - First it was supposed to be that you could play between 3DS and WiiU, now you can't.

    Is there any info on what language(s) will be used to do the programming? If it's C# or Java or something similar that'd be cool.

    I had a pretty awesome Zombie dream where I was running around my town and everyone but me was a Zombie. In the dream I ran for ages (I'll do about 10 sec IRL) but I was caught in the end. The moment they caught me though they turned into friendly bears who just wanted hugs. I actually enjoyed that dream.

    just no...

    I don't think what happens in the dream is even possible in real life... Unless walking through the wall of my childhood bedroom into some Escher-like world where I chase a glowing robed dude in a mask is actually a common occurrence that everyone's been hiding from me. :P

    I wouldn't mind but I can't say I've ever really enjoyed a FF game. They've never really been my cup of tea.

    I took Quantum Mechanics during my final year of undergrad studies. Seriously fuck that shit. The maths is horrible (Perturbation Theory anyone?) and the whole concept is a mind fuck.

    I've been having the exact same dream at least 3 out of 7 nights for the past 5 and a bit months. Explain that.

    That suit is so freaking cool. I'd love to build something like that but I don't have the skill or the money to do it.


    From the proportions of the lower half of the body and the fact that the small arms and the big arms are attached I would say with near enough 100% accuracy that there's a person inside. Also it's bipedal and can walk, that's a rather difficult thing for a robot to do anyway (look at PetMan). At that scale and with it