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    My smart-phone recently broke so I now have a dumb-phone again. having experienced both I have to say I much prefer the smart-phone. For me the monthly contract worked out cheaper than when I was on Pay As You Go and the smart-phones ablilty to access the internet, the decent camera (the dumb-phone I have doesn't have

    It definitely looks like the best of the bunch from the Youtube vids here.

    I loved Cosmology during my undergraduate years. Unfortunately I got an F in the exam though, the maths was just so damned intense/abstract.

    Personally I hope that the Star Trek ideals come to be in the future but I doubt it. I think we're more likely to have all the cool tech first .Warp drives may be a little more difficult though considering we'd have to beat time dilation and the massive amounts of energy probably required to achieve FTL travel.

    This is the most tripped out manly thing ever! I want some!

    On the computer is far better imo. You can build more for less monetary cost, you get the added awesome of redstone, pistons, etc and at the end of the day you don't have to tidy it up so it doesn't find it's way into the hoover.

    I just tried to break my webcam with my laser pointer but alas, no results.

    The moral of the story is clearly when filming in a place with lasers use cheap VGA Webcams.

    I haven't seen Pacific Rim yet but while I'm a Physics graduate and like consistency and scientific accuracy (or at least accurate logic) I like big explosions and action more. Pacific Rim looks like that kind of movie.

    "We know that you can change the past and the time traveller is apparently not affected"

    This is the definition of a branching timeline.

    Looper used a linear time stream. Linear time allows for paradoxes and other such weirdness, the resolution to which is anybodies guess. Continuum seems to be using a branching timeline, meaning that paradoxes cannot occur.

    I never had a computer till the latter half of the 90's but I miss the dial up tone, I miss Packard Bell Navigator and I miss Total Annihilation (that game kicked Starcraft's ass).

    As someone who never had a computer till the latter half of the 90's I missed out on the whole text adventure thing. That said I was playing Zork the other day and by the Gods was it infuriating. I kept getting lost and having to restart. If I go west once and then go east once I damn well expect to be back where I

    Of all the insults "pig" is probably the least offensive. I mean just look at how cute these little guys can be!

    No, I moved to Linux to cure me of my rampant piracy. :P

    Geez, what's up with people taking what I said seriously...

    Anyway, I can't afford Windows right now.

    Yeah because I was being dead serious. -_-

    I wasn't being serious about them being stupid, I was just generally ranting. I do wish more games would come our way but I couldn't play this even if it did run on linux, my computer struggles with most 2D games these days.

    Also on your last point, I've never said I had much common sense but I do have a degree in

    Yeah, this looks cool but as a Linux user I can't play this. Stupid people only making games for Windows/Mac OSX...

    Where about are you based? That sounds really interesting.

    Yeah, what Eristdoof said.
    I didn't realise it was only a British thing though...