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    I graduated with a 2:ii in Physics with Astrophysics recently and I can't for the life of me get a job. No-one in the Science/Engineering fields are willing to take me on because I don't have a 2:i or higher, although I excel at programming and computer simulation I don't have a Comp-Sci degree so I can't seem to

    As someone who has been changing flat every year I love starting fresh. I always go for furnished places but getting rid of all the junk I don't need before moving in is the best. I seem to think I'll manage to keep clutter free, live with just my clothes and my laptop, but I keep acquiring things along the way.

    Someone give me a job so I can afford a 3DS. Please!?!

    I saw it last night and yeah, I noticed the product placement just simply because it was so out of place. Does anyone know though if it was a short movie or the first in a series of episodes? I'd still like to watch it. GitS is my ideal version of the future (or it's tech is).

    Yeah, I get that :)

    The "maximum permissible dose" for radiation workers on Earth is 5 rems per year or 25 rems in a single emergency exposure. A 25-100 rem dose will increase a person's chance of developing cancer. The apollo astronauts during their time in space would have recieved a high dose but certainly less than 20 rems, so no

    These beads are not magnetised. Just saying.

    Hah, yeah I was surprised by it too. Took a bit to get it running and it bugs out every now and then but it mosly works.

    Personally I hate having any form of clutter on the Desktop. The only thing I allow on there is the dock and the taskbar.

    As much as I'd love to:
    1) I don't have $90 to spend.

    I disagree, I much prefer the look of the Other M suit and Link looks closer to the Twilight Princess artwork which I'm happy about.

    I'm 21 and still haven't seen the entirety of this film. I've never made it to the end because I have to go and cry. I'm such a girl...

    I actually prefer TP to WW. I thought the dungeons were better designed and the world was more interesting. Sure the wolf sections sucked but I thought the human sections more than made up for it.

    My problem with pokemon isn't so much the actual pokemon themselves but the art style. I love the old style from the first 2 generations, it then started to go downhill from the 3rd Gen onwards. The first 2 gens were animals, dragons and stuff. They were cute and they felt like they had texture. These days they all

    My first encounter with programming was Matlab during my degree, however these days I mostly use Python. Pyhton is great, especially for beginners becuase it teaches basic code structure while also being very easy to understand. I occasionally do Java coding but I don't like it as much because it's far more verbose

    The only thing Thor is missing is his old lady cameltoe *shudder*...

    While I was shocked by what happened on the latest GoT episode, I didn't have all that much trouble watching it. What I have had trouble watching however is the torture of Theon. Death I seem to be able to deal with, just not torture.

    Yeah, they had dial-up for 2 years with AOL but they didn't use it enough so they stopped. Made homework during Highschool a nightmare for me as I had to travel 3 miles to use the free internet at the local library.

    It's not mine but my parents are still running Windows 98. All they use it for is writing text documents so I guess I can forgive them.

    The shape of the console looks mighty like a slightly fattened up Wii, no?