
It doesn't matter if he was white or black, someone on twitter was angry and appalled & we just can't let that happen!

Again, its 2013, people get offended by the most pointless crap these days. EVERYTHING is offensive to people who take things so seriously.

People bitching about pointless things as usual.. 1st world problem.. Its 2013 people, get with the times, stop being offended by stupid things like this. If it was a black guy burning the white kid, i wouldn't be offended even a little. Its just a joke inside of a game.

I think the whole "better modes of communication" thing is critical. In a business setting, I would say 90% of the time you could have IM'd me instead of sending me an email. People expect email to be almost like IM, "Did you get my email? Why haven't you responded yet?" It's not for that kind of communication, imo,

I prefer the dual screens..

I think the number one most ridiculous mystical pregnancy in fiction is definitely The virgin Mary, with Jesus.

While installing chrome for my dad. "Stop scrolling so fast. I want to read all that. It must be important" referring to the terms and conditions

I guess, seeing how something being unique and special is often the very impetus for killing something, yes.

Decaf, Carrie. Decaf.

Continents are bigger than most countries. News at 11.

Is it wrong that that costume looks kind of awesome?

What the fuck does that even mean?

I'm not a damn hobo, I just want a tiny house that I own outright as opposed to a tiny apartment that I rent.

Other M was excellent in regards to gameplay. Only the writing and acting left to be desired.

An intern being put to work doing nothing but QA testing? That's not an intern position, that's free labour and a bad manager.

FreeSpace 2

Freespace 2

Tampon logo.

No love for Golden Sun?

I don't know why, but it reminds me of this: