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    Yeah, I was really disappointed by this being cancelled. I think the reason was that the first 3 episodes were kind of slow and so most people lost interest. By the end though it was fantastic.

    If I could afford it I would be tempted, but Windows 8 would be coming right off and would be replaced with Elementary OS Luna.

    The point at which things become offensive is relative to the individual and my view is that a lot of people are too wound up. You have to make the decision on where to draw the line and it often feels to me as though some people draw it close simply to initiate conflict.

    Unfortunately I still haven't completed it. I can get so far but then the lag kills me every time. When I finish University and get a job I'll be getting a new computer so I can complete it and the hundred other games that I've been unable to play. 1GB RAM, integrated graphics and a pentium something or other from

    Forgive me, I may not have stated that right. I was meaning that I didn't understand why people were getting offended/annoyed with this. I think that the game was right to tackle these issues, especially considering the time it was set in. I'm glad it had the balls to do it, I just don't understand the complaints.

    The game is set in 1912 USA. Of course there's going to be a heavy, forceful prescence of Christianity (or as close as they can get without getting the Christians all up in arms over it) as well as rascism. I don't get what the big deal is? They're altering History but they have to keep it true to the time period,

    Not sure I'd be okay with going down the concrete slide in the "Play" House.
    (Also why's Play in " "s? Is it some form of euphemism?)

    Kinda went all Kirby there for a minute. :P
    Very well done.

    I used to have a visible six-pack when I was in high school but one side of my abs slipped. I got really conscious about it after a girl told me they looked disgusting that I essentially stopped exercising and gained weight. Nowadays you can't see them at all (unless I tense and the lighting condition is right, at

    Nah dude, those LED's are totally capable of blasting through tanks. They guy clearly had to use a new camera every time he used it. I can tell from the cuts in the film and the clear photoshopping done to hide it.

    Still looks very jerky and robotic. I imagine that will change however when synthetic muscles become viable.

    Suddenly: Potatoes

    I came a bit late to the game as my parents were convinced that mobile phones would cause harm with their "evil radiation". Seriously, having (essentially) fundy parents is no fun.

    While it's still in Beta at the moment and couldn't recommend it at the moment, I think that Elementary OS Luna will be the one I'd give to beginners when it gets a stable release. It's fast, pretty and very simple to use. It has a Mac like dock at the bottom for your favourite apps and the launcher in the top left

    As a student who is rather low on funds I cannot afford commercial software to begin with (in fact the reason I switched to Linux was to kill my excessive piracy) and I'll admit that my laptop is crap, I can't run games on it. But, while yes commercial software may have more features, you have to ask yourself which

    It works perfectly fine, is faster than Windows and doesn't try to restart itself every few hours to install updates?

    As a user of both Windows and Linux I have to assert that this is no longer the case. Gone are the days when Linux was a buggy piece of shite, grab yourself a copy of Ubuntu and see for yourself how easy it is.

    Mum and Dad got a brand new Windows 95 machine from Packard Bell that came with the Packard Bell Navigator. I remember it being switched on for the first time and them allowing me to play SkyRoads. I never actually finished that game though... time to download DOS-Box I think...

    I'm so glad that people (mostly indie devs though) are beginning to take gaming on linux seriously.

    If it's seven times less dense than air does it float?