Those jerks tried to circle him looking all hard, but his vigorous pumping and spraying all over the place got them off as fast as possible.
Those jerks tried to circle him looking all hard, but his vigorous pumping and spraying all over the place got them off as fast as possible.
Something about the driving position doesn’t sit well with me. (I’m not sure I could stand it, for too long...)
Yeah I mean, that’s the whole point really. One reason I’d never volunteer for one of these. I am very low risk in that I am home most of the time and have a very small circle of people I see, all of which are pretty darn safe.
I immediately scrolled down to the comments to see how long it would take for the first anti-vaxxer to comment. Sure enough, first in line! I’m looking forward to when the first COVID vaccines arrive, and the same anti-vaxxers set about trying to persuade everyone not to be vaccinated for COVID. As for me, I get my…
Do we have to flip through a slide show to see other pictures of it?
That would be exhausting.
Let’s hope they also dramatically reduce their dependence on coal fired generation, and drop their idiotic ban on nuclear power. Hard to trust the policy of a country whose anti-nuclear zealots were willing to push for the phase out of nuclear even though this drove more coal generation.
This looks like a car that a tenured English Lit professor drives with a pipe in one hand and his nubile T.A.’s thigh in the other as they wait for roadside assistance at a secluded viewpoint because the car just won’t start for some reason and he is very surprised because this sort of thing has never happened before…
Though his demise was tragic, many have seen McCandless as a contemporary transcendentalist in the vein of Emerson and Thoreau.
“This puts restaurants in a position where they have to choose between doing work for almost no profit or simply missing out on the income entirely. Plus services like Seamless, Postmates, Grubhub, and DoorDash have been adding restaurants into their networks without their permission. When a restaurant refuses to…
I enjoyed Planet Terror much more. The end of this is great but the buildup is kinda boring. PT is nonstop crazy.
That literally just happened to me. Honestly, why do they even give you a pause button if it just takes you to some advertiser’s website? The only logical explanation is that it’s there to trick you, which is not okay. Why do we put up with this?
The only thing wrong with the Jason Drives series is the autoplay.