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Delivery Company UPS their Prices
Burns like a Motherfuckin’ Witch.
If there’s a hood, you open it; if there’s a button, you push it!
I work on a farm, getting muscle in my arm.
Not the brightest candle in the menorah
Not the brightest candle in the menorah
I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but the Galilean moons are not many, they are four: Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.
But noone ever mistakes blood for being watermelon lemonade. Don’t ask why I know this...
Steal their dogs, take proper care of them and teach them to bark at your neighbours (but not at other people)
Not my mother...
True dat; Instagram is better ;-)
And the one animal that can save you is Bear, Grylls
Silvery spacesuits are also accepted Corvette attire
The human farms is where the GOP grows its morons