
minute 1:20

This was cute, though I think breaking the fourth wall would work really well in this short. Say, if the artist were to mess up and the woman could be confused by the incorrect sounds.

I think he’s living in her attic...

Is it just, or the guy looks reeeeeally damn creepy?

Please make this happen soon!

He probably also isn't sure, at first, whether he needs to resurrect the Jedi. Kylo would trivially destroy the Jedi by turning Luke to the dark side, finishing what Vader started.

Also demonstrated: Brownian Motion.


As a Dog Lover, I’m also a Wolf lover. To me it looks like she started it, she made the first approach. I’m surpised at how unferocious the first Wolf looks, no growling or snarling, and the second Wolf appears to be just standing by. It’s not clear that both ever attacked her at the same time. It also seems to me

Shouldn't it really be WTF1190?

OMG, all those those old VHS copies of Webster are coming back to haunt us !!! I told them it was a risky plan!!!

Surprising amount of taint in this picture. No sign of an asshole.

That blade belongs to Technoviking!

Between the time when the oceans drank Atlantis, and the rise of the sons of Aryas, there was an age undreamed of. And unto this, Conan, destined to wear the jeweled crown of Aquilonia upon a troubled brow. It is I, his chronicler, who alone can tell thee of his saga. Let me tell you of the days of high adventure!

Just on many levels...

I don’t have any problem at all with battery life when my galaxy note 3’s screen is off. My number one drainer of battery are shitty games like fucking Clash of Clans. Incredibly mediocre graphics and ui, YET if destroys my battery life in 30 minutes.

That is the precise thing that makes it terrible. Giving Darth Vader a core of pure goodness was an unforgivably stupid narrative choice.

Unpopular opinion - the original trilogy was just as bad/good as the prequels. The only reason why we oldies (25 and over) think that the prequels suck and the OT was the bee’s knees is because of nostalgia.

I would cut out Ep 2 myself. The love story is so bad as to not be believable. Better to just have them already in love after setting it up in Ep 1