
Bill Clinton said “make America great again” twice. I suppose he’s terribly racist too.

Gawker is over. And you are transferring your anti trump jihad to gizmodo? Gizmodo will be over soon too. Because you are losers. You are a loser. Pathetic sad life. You deserve to live under a brutal totalitarian regime.

Hillaty Clinton has gifted the secret information of America to all our enemies, but let’s focus on the version of windows some random dude related to Trump uses.

No one gives a rat's ass about your insignificant political opinions. Stick to tech and nerdy stuff, scum.

So let us ignore completely the implications of tue contents of those signs and focus on how the man holding them uses internet for evil.

So you are really trying to push the theory that the FBI is in collusion with Trump when we all saw how they gave Hillary a free pass on her email gross negligence scandal?

Awww, you need a safespace to protect you from mean Trump tweets and from reality? Awwww,. Poor thing. Here are two proposals for you, you can go to

Your complete lack of talent is just embarrassing. This is 0 funny. No one understands wtf it is you were trying to say, and frankly, if it wasn't for your libtard opinions, no one would've given you a job ever. You belong in a call center.

The human animal can regulate its own births and deaths and need not decide to raise “suffering” subjects uselessly. Other animals can’t. I don’t care about the suffering of many human children whose births could have been prevented and I do care for the suffering of animals whose birth and suffering was designed only

This how cooks will get away with serving you their jizz without you noticing : by hiding it under VR.

“I’m so happy to see that you’re doing great since the shrink decided to mix your meds with VR.”

So ?

It is one thing to categorize pixels and a wildly different thing to decide what to do about that and how. How much should I steer right or left according to those categorizations ? What are the priorities ? What will be the dynamic effects on the current state of the car ? Etc.


I’ve Cindy’s happening hello lots of times with apples. I’ve seen and insects walking on the skin of an apple then lurking inside. At first I thought gross but you know whatever. So yeah this makes no sense I don’t but that’s just because I am using apples voice dictation is just a test. Yeah done.

“ommitted to rolling Chrome OS into Android” or “Please buy all of the remaining stock of Chromebooks out there. please!”

lol, describe “autoblow”

But don’t. It ain’t worth it.

“for many hundreds of thousands of couples, the change in policy will allow them to fulfil [sic] their dream of having a second child.”

That’s precisely the problem, Fulfilling a dream of having a second child is a personal capricious desire. Controlling the potentially disastrous effects of huge population growth

I’m just writing this to see if Gizmodo has been censoring my comments systematically.

Nope, it’s a very good joke and you’re probably a PC little tyrant.