
Oh fuck off. Who said I’m a Trump supporter? My point was that it’s not uncommon to express one’s displeasure when someone has done something that you think was improper. Let me give a more concrete example that won’t hurt your feelings quite so much. When you get terrible service in a restaurant, you are much better

Why should I not register my displeasure? This isn’t supposed to be Gawker; it never was. It’s a blog about technology (and, recently, science fiction/fantasy). Do you constantly let people do whatever they want to you and then slink away without comment? It took me 5 seconds to register my little “protest.” Why did

How is this a Gizmodo story? Seriously, get this shit out of Gizmodo. I get it that you’re all sad about Gawker, but this ain’t going to fly.

They are in France, and the sign is in English. So they may not have homes, but they know who to target with their marketing.

Tu Quoque

Didn’t say it was, and I’m sure there’s one of them fancy logical fallacies that you types love to use to shut down dissenting opinions that makes your argument of “But someone else is doing worse things!” entirely invalid.

Weird how this happened in France yet the signs are in English.

“We are not terrorists”

For someone who is apparently so smart, Zuckerberg is an idiot for calling people who disagree with the BLM movement racists.

Not sure I’d say that it is effective, the BLM movement is really their own worst enemy.

If that’s the case, then why have a problem saying “All Lives Matter” instead?

Why are you guilty of something in America just for being born a white, Anglo-Saxon male?

Presumably this would be for devices that spend most of their time waiting for small bits of data to send or receive. If they need to send a large batch, they could shift into a faster speed for a few seconds, then power down to the slow speed when they are waiting again.

You had me until 11mbit

“Who needs a big battery if you can fully charge your phone in 15 minutes?”

This isn’t “Google’s” format. This is a new standard being put forth, with Google as a backer alongside a huge array of other companies. There’s a huge difference.

Do androids dream of electric xenomorphs?

Haha, don’t forget that one time they ended up being the worlds most valuable company.

This is exciting, with the remoured specs of the Galaxy S7 being “only” quadhd (equivalent to the S6), I was a little bummed. But if this pans out, vr competition might push Samsung a little harder for a 4k note.

Yes, I do remember when we wanted to find something in the internet we would search for in Google, it was also used as an expression, “google it”. It was a good service, such a pity that they moved on.