
That is some hard core shit indeed.

Big. Natural. Bewbs.


Got a samsung note 3 phone. I think by the time I’ll get Marshmallow, Android will no longer exist.

Yippee KI-YAY,

madafakaaa !

What for ?

Wealthy advanced nations became wealthy and advanced way before internet existed. The problem is infrastructure. This “solution” is a joke. It’s is just a potential market to sell ads. Internet doesn’t feed Africans and it sure doesn’t educate Africans.


As a kid I would’ve killed for one of these.

So it’s a prequel to Interstellar, right ?

It’s called suggestion. You think it’s faster because Apple told you so.

It’s funny how your brain is so weak you think this crap is pretty only because Jon Ive sais so. Pa-fucking-thetic.

Who the hell cares how he became a sex offender ? Do you care how your computer or your car was assembled when they stop working ? No, you just throw them away. You don’t go “aw, poor computer, it’s not it’s fault it’s throwing these errors, it’s because it was assembled in a shitty factory somewhere in China”. There

Sexual crimes against children? Death penalty. No one cares how people become sex offenders. They are broken and there is no reason we should increase even in the slightest way the risk of our children being damaged by them.

iDiots bought a ton of new iPhones. Again.

Pathetic. 2015 and this is the state of the art in robotic research. Same old failure of approach : just improvise some algorithm for every little obstacle the task can find. Put everything together and you have a dumb robot barely, awkwardly and programmatically succeeding at an oversimplified, spoon-fed task.

Well, you are not Paris, so, no one gives a crap !

I wouldn’t be so “insouciant” about my city knowing my government isn’t doing shit to prevent some terrorist to blow me up in the middle of that crowd.

Someone should explain to this little human being that he is NOT a visionary, nor a genius, nor a world-changing historical figure of any kind. He only made Facebook, a crappy idea for futile people that he stole from someone else, and he became very rich because he was the first one and there are LOTS of futile

1) go to amazon
2) search “cardboard VR plastic”
3) choose among the 20 $ versions
4) Purchase
5) Use with a late generation phone with good sensors
6) Congrats, you’ve just saved hundreds of $

10 $ cardboard = real gamechanger.

You don’t like carboard ?

20 $ chinese plastic version.

For all phones.

That’s it.