
Your font is not small enough.

I am not buying your crappy overpriced headsets until you can deliver 2K PER EYE, 120 fps, 0 lag and still a full day battery.

Get to work, sammy.

And how about a 4K headset under 50 bucks ?

And lots of them. People, lots. Lots of stupid. Lots of bad.

And, may I ask, what THE FUCK is wrong with eugenics ? Anyone has a real argument against it or are you all just “it’s wrooooong, it’s just wroooooong, because I feel it in my soooouuul, that it’s wroooooong”.

Those who feel it’s wrong must suspect they would be the first to get eugenized out of existence.

“It’s over Mr. Smith. We’ve recognized the signature of DNA in your jizz-cloud...I mean you bio-cloud. You are under arrest for the rape of Ms. Smith.

-Damn that jizz cloud... I mean bio-cloud !”

Don’t tell my wife, but the worst piece of tech I have is the electric razor she got me for my birthday. It’s supposed to work under the shower and all, but if shaves like shit.

Did you hear that ? i-Sheep ?

Start saving every penny, for this piece of crap will be veeery expensive, and you Just. Cannot. Help. Having. It.

You sick sick people.

The goal is to prevent economical inmigrants and terrorists to enter Europe unchecked.

Too. Many. People.

let’s go from 7000 000 000 to 700 000 000 and this shit won’t happen anymore.

Here’s the answer : The animal alive and behaving in its own habitat has infinitely superior aesthetic appeal.

Compare :
1) a dead lion’s skin in front of a fireplace.
2) a taxidermied lion in a museum.
3) a lion alive but in a small cage in a zoo.
4) a lion free in its own habitat.

Nothing justifies degrading the

This is an amazing idea. But Samsung needs to take it and improve it. Only then will I consider buying it.

I think I fucking like it. The curve on the screen and the keyboard ? I do fucking like it. I feel ashamed...

R2-D2 ? Surely you mean the dwarf dude controlling it from the inside.

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If your personality is so simple that some algorithm can take advantage of you, then your personality is too simple, and therefore you deserve to be taken advantage of.

- Lao Tse

How about

Scientists discover gene that will let humans treat the environment better and let nature be.

hot, very hot. Now give me color e-ink displays with 60Hz refresh rate.

hot, very hot. Now give me color e-ink displays with 60Hz refresh rate.

It’s migrants.

maglev ? No ?