
He is devilish good .

Can anyone give me some info on how easy it is to use these tablets with fire os to code android apps ?

In particular I’m working on multiplayer bluetooth and I need like 4 devices.

Thanks !

Do not, I repeat, do not pay more than 100 bucks for any of these vacuum robots. They are crap, big time. And they have been crap for many years now. It’s bad technology, parasitic, and has already proven it’s not going anywhere. Brooks used to be kickass back in MIT, but this is a scam with his name on it.

How about jacking one off ?

Yes, we are all so careful not to offend people nowadays. But problems persist...

So, the Qur’an and biographies of Mohamad have all this content against women and about Mohamad killing lots of people.

But instead of acknowledging that, which is a fact and which makes Islam systematically a despicable religion and form of belief, you complain about the source I give you. Why don’t you just go check

Yes. Funny that technology should shield us from stupid people. Why can’t we just force them to stop their stupid behavior ?

Thank you. Thank you so much. You’ve immediately made my point.

My point being about stupid people not knowing the difference between race and culture, for instance. Anything you don’t like to hear criticizing other people’s way of living and their believes (not their race, their way of living and believes, like the

Is there a button in life to dislike Facebook itself ?

Fuck Facebook.


Where do we draw the line between “racist hate” and true arguments ?

I’ll be damn. Where the FUCK do these pieces of shit draw the line between a “racist” opinion and just an opinion against mass immigration of Syrians ?

Germany, and a jewish owned company suppressing freedom of speech ?

WTF is this ?

Why didn’t anyone fight against fake pictures, like the one of the kid dead that had

Lol, that would be hilarious.


And it would be great for the neighbors to use it too, so they don’t bust my balls.

lol, that all ?

I haven’t had any updates on that.

I have lots of other things to learn in life, buddy. Take care.

Thanks for the tip, I’ll check it out.

Your not even facing the question of there being only 13% percent of women, even if it turns out to be something no one is to blame for (except for ISIS) makes your attitude quasi criminal.

13% And you don’t AT LEAST smell something fishy ? You are an enemy of mankind.