
Having to learn 3 different coding languages to develop apps for 3 different os’ ... nah. Something has to give, guys.

The guy had been living in Turkey for 3 years. Safe from war. He chose to go to Canada FOR MONEY, and his family died stupidly.

I am sorry that reality doesn’t look like your little fantasy. Most refugees are crap. It’s time to accept it and shut the fuck up instead of saying lies and lies and more fucking lies.

By “these people” do you mean the young males escaping their country and leaving their women and children to rot ?

Here are some official statistics. You better shut your little ignorant mouth now.

Official UN statistics.

Your dear “people fleeing their homes looking for nothing more than a place to live” apparently forgot their women and children in a war zone where ISIS rapes and tortures women more than anything.

Until you have a good pretext to justify these loathsome actions by the Syrian “refugees”, you

Rage in your reaction and 0 arguments = you are the idiot dangerous one and I am right.

OK, little man.

Here are the official UN statistics :

What actions ? Can you please just answer the question without saying meaningless shit ?

I am not having children because I am on the poor side, right now. How can “the same be said about me ?”

Do you even stop to reason some times or you just give childish answers like “you too ! you too !”

Do you know that calling me “racist” without there being a single element showing I am racist is a calumny ?



So you belong to the stupid fucks who think all aliens are good people ?

What do you mean by “my kind” and “people like me” ?

Please be more precise.

The very concept of “troll” and using it in this context shows how ridiculously inadequate your response to geopolitical crises is. Childish and foolish.

You clearly don’t have a clue of what happens in Europe. Come see with you own eyes, you really need to see what happens here. I lived in Paris for 8 years. The way muslims relate to Europe is completely different from the way they relate to other nations. They hate Europe. And by the way, their religion is just one

Western Values and Christian ?

Some, very few, may be Christian. Which no one said is a good thing. It’s still a disgusting and fucked up religion that some pathetic Middle Eastern wacko invented 2000 years ago. Then you have to show they are actual refugees and not economic migrants. Then you need to ask why they

I live among them, buddy. Been living among immigrants from across the mediterranean for 8 years now. You’ll have to find another reply to my post. Something... I don’t know, smarter, truer, less ridiculous.

You are asking someone who asserts that the sun raises every day to bring facts to prove it. Either you are blind as fuck or you are playing dumb.

Why don’t you just search in youtube videos where they yell “allah” fucking “akbar” towards the policemen ?

That’s a war chant. Period.

And surely you don’t want to object 3)

Who talked about responsibilities ? A guy catches an infectious disease because some idiot sneezes on him. It’s not his responsibility, still I don’t want him anywhere near me.

Your argument is sophistic and fallacious, as nearly all arguments in favor of these people.

Please, tell us what a muslim is. Tell us what he believes in, let’s see who’s the joke.

Compassion ? Why ? Not everyone is a fucking christian retard like yourself.