
Still we have enormous experience with difficulties in something like moving a solar panel around.

What do the SETI and the refugee situation in Europe have in common ?

No one ?

No ?


That for some reason, some stupid fuck is convinced that the aliens are good people and he’s inviting them to fuck us all !

Xenophobia is the irracional rejection of the different people. How does that apply to me ? (remember “irrational” is the key word here).

Labeling people without addressing their arguments is the essence of Fascism.
Now I can label you as the fucking self-righteous fascist you are because I’ve just shown why you are a fascist who thinks he’s better than the rest.

An alien came to visit me the other day. I was taking a dump and he was like : “hey, can I borrow a sample of your biological information package there? “ I was like “well, sure, I’m almost done, here”. And I handed him a small turd. “thanks” he said, then he smiled and he lit it and smoked it. “Hmm, you humans are a

Not for long. The Syrians are taking care of removing the “civilization” part of that statement.

I think the answer to that question is pretty obvious ?

God ?

European revolutionaries became experts and professionals at it. Nothing would’ve ever changed otherwise. I don’t know if you are being sarcastic, but if you are, opening a history book would show you how stupid your remark is.

They haven’t tried hard enough because they are still muslims and they still have backward obscurantists values. When Europeans fought for their rights they wanted radical dramatic changes based upon centuries of deep thinking about human values. We don’t even know what these people wanted when they protested, but

Their protests didn’t work because they didn’t really believe in them. Either you believe fully in freedom and progressive values, or you don’t. If you are mid way, and, say, you want a little more freedom but you are still a muslim that hits his wife if she doesn’t obey you, then you are not motivated enough to carry

This is what they bring :

1) shitty culture
2) poverty
3) oppressive religion
4) diseases
5) aggressiveness
6) resentment towards Europe
7) unrest
8) lack of compromise towards the European people
9) trouble
10) bad labour skills
11) will to conquer new lands
12) complete disregard for the European ways and manners
13) lack of


This, compared to the very technology of solar power itself, should be a piece of cake for engineers to develop. It’s just relatively simple mechanics. Why should there be a long “prototype” and “testing” phase, etc ?

This is the biggest bullshit Gizmodo has written ever.

“Samsung’s Galaxy line of phones has featured 4K shooting going back to 2014’s S5”.

I’ve been shooting 4K for more than 2 years now with my Galaxy note 3, and loving it ever since. And I give a crap.

I don’t hate Apple, but I do hate Apple fanatics, you are worse

“prohibitively expensive” is the key word here. Where is the technological contribution towards clean from ultra rich Arab oil lords ? None ? Hmm, great people, I guess.

1) 5 years late

And the point has been proven to be stupid, but hey, who can blame Amazon for trying, right ?


Lol, how did North Korea get involved in this post ??

I use it for developing purposes, btw. So the crappier the better.