
Yes. I paid 100$ for the ACER 710 B and it’s the worst piece of crap I’ve ever bought. But nowadays for 50$ I suppose I could have something at least usable. The Acer thing is not even usable.

So sad, such a good idea can’t be realized because of idiots who would have accidents. So many idiots. Wouldn’t mankind be far off better if we got rid of them ?

Funny, let’s quantify and ponderate those “contributions” you are talking about and compare them to Western culture’s contributions and sustainability over its effects. But really “physics” ??? Really ? And you put that in the same list with soap and shampoo ? And you will say that soap saved so many from infectious

I’m not buying another phone till the battery + graphic cards can handle 4K VR well enough not to be sick using something like cardboard. My hopes are up for the SD 820, I really hope it doesn’t end up being a disappointment.

“But the first step toward alleviating some of this suffering might lie in encouraging wealthier nations to make their refugee policies less like dystopian fiction. “

This and the concept of “humanitarian crisis” are the most shallow, frivolous, and disastrous assessing of the situation there could ever be.

It is a

why ask “why” ?

I’m sure the prosecutor’s goal is to extort them into showing him their nude pics.

“hey, if you don’t show me your va j j ,I may label you as a sexual offender for the rest of your life. Ain’t that ironic ? Muuhahahaha”

wow, I’ve inadvertently bumped into the geekiest thread of them all. I’ll show myself out...

Yep. And no one is willing to make the necessary investment for the tech to improve since we are just a few demanding this kind of tech. Resignation.

...will be lost... in time... like...hum... the rain

too much !

if it’s not SD 820, which it will very probably not be, then not interested.

this is stupid. Just give me some fast e-ink with fast refresh rates, a capacitive 10” screen and an s-pen

This sounds cool, but then try and write something important or moderately serious using that unreliable feature and you’ll see how fucked up it is.

“You see, Windows 10 has a pretty amazing new feature called Continuum for Phones, which will let future smartphones running Windows 10 transform into a Windows 10 desktop experience too.”

Wait, there are windows phones ???? How crappy that sounds. Very happy with my android phone. Thanks.

Nah. Nothing even worth considering till, like 2023.

u 1 ugly mofo

Yep, that one too.

I will definitely get the next moto X style/pure with SD 820 and 4K res 4 VR.

Not this one though, although it’s tempting. I’m sticking to my note 3 for yet another year.

He’s about to jack him off.