
Ineluctable conclusion : there are too many humans.


What a futile innovation... Brilliant Engineers maximally rewarded to come up with the most insignificant upgrades to our lives. Something is completely broken in our societies.

With a bezel like that it looks like a cheap 2008 clone of some future smartwatch. No thanks.

if instead of 7000 000 000 crappy people we were 700 000 000 then there would only be 9% of birds with plastic in their guts.

And if those 700 000 000 were actually the educated civilized people then the number would be much better.

Let’s just get rid of the futile, uneducated, stupid, over-consuming people and we

It’s not having the intended effect on me (mind control)

Apple watch = crap
This shit = crap

That’s all folks. There’s not comparing crap with crap.

Everything you are saying is 100% subjective. YOU don’t need 4k, other people do.

Sadly, most revenues for this action figure will come from paedophiles...

And by Parisians you mean Muslims and inmigrants, right? Because that’s what most Parisians are nowadays...

Nice! But if Paris wants to boost tourism they should ban all Muslims and petty criminals for ever. La journée sans racaille they should call it. And tourism would boom.

I was very young and that scene made me realize that I could be killed in a fight. Death is real...

1000 000 000 times better than the robot’s voice on Interstellar. For sure.

We are screwed when he gets out full of resentment and more muslim than ever. They should’ve give him ostracism. Tough, yes, but how can we live with a sworn enemy promising to take revenge on us ?

When I was 17 I was already in full possession of my mental faculties and in full possession of material means to do a lot of damage. He’s not a kid and he acted to help terrorism, not just provocation, actual help. That’s it, goodbye.

I agree that any idiot supporting ISIS needs to be stopped. I’m not sure the measure is efficient, though. This guy will only resent America more and more from prison. When he gets out he will be a determined enemy of the West and will do something extreme.

So the solution at this point should have been straight

Dave...stop...stop, will you...stop, Dave...will you stop, Dave...stop, Dave...I’m afraid...I’m afraid, mind is going...I can feel it...I can feel mind is going...there is no question about it...I can feel it...I can feel it...I can feel it...(slows down) I’m afraid...

Here’s an idea. And it’s just an idea, let’s be reasonable about it and not dismiss it with insults or whatever. Why not designate a few people, say in schools or wherever, with proper training to at least be in charge of trying to shoot down the shooters with proper weapons kept in some place only they have access to

I was expecting to see boobs. How disappointing...