
This is a simulation so it won’t maximally reflect what you’ll get in actual R-B preparations. But normally when you add surface tension it goes hexagonal. Except some people once tried to just leave it there “working” for a longer and longer time, and guess what ? The hexes become squares !

My own view of it, and in

Especially, ESPECIALLY for the price. How can you give me a smaller battery and less storage options FOR THE SAME MONEY OR EVEN MORE ? The note series are already ridiculously expensive, I just don’t understand how Samsung can’t see that their prices are what’s hurting them the most these past 3 years.

Pretty Damn Awesome. I am absolutely NOT a Musk fan. But this is too cool to ignore.


Now playing

The amazing physics of self-organization.

pffff, iphone ? really ? Lol, bro, just lol.

Exactly my situation. I’m ditching the note this year. We’ll see what they have to offer in 2016 and we’ll see if they’re willing to drop the prices. With the 400$ moto style out there, 800$ is just completely unacceptable. I’m never paying that kind of money again.

Yes, I agree with you. I was expecting a 4k phone this year from samsung. The extra pixels are essential for VR

I’ve had the note 1 for 2 years and I’ve had the 3 for almost 2 years now too.

Here are my concerns.

Yes, the s-pen is awesome and I use it all the time.
The screen size and res are perfect for me, but many other phones have the same screen size and res, although not superamoled.

Battery is a big issue. Someone gifted me

I won’t read shit. The people of Zimbabwe can go fuck themselves. Here’s a logic lesson for free for all of you : claiming that because we fucked up the environment then the people of Zimbabwe can fuck up their environment too is a well known logical fallacy called ad hominem.


that sucks


but there IS a lot of friction, the thing is making contact with the ground like 10 times per second or so ?

“vaginal” ? You mean “pussy” ?

Is I said : whatever, but the price better be low

Looks cool. But I can’t even begin to imagine the toxic stench. Kill it!

That’s a cool feature indeed. But the top and bottom bezels are rather big.

“coitus” ? You mean “fuck” ?

ppi on a 6” 1080p is pretty damn low for 2015 standards. What the fuck are you doing sony ? This phone shouldn’t cost more than 300$