
Slightly funny.

What a stupid, overstretched explanation...

It’s so simple : dogs live everything with an intensity degree of 100% all the time, because in the animal world there are almost no middle terms, most things can lead to death a few hours or no more than a few days from having happened. So every action and every reaction to

it’s not negligible for VR. You’ll understand some day. Right now you’re lagging behind.


Is that better ?

“There are a number of good reasons why this will never happen. One explanation might be that we have a soul that simply can’t be replicated by a machine. While this tends to be the favourite of spiritual types, there are other natural explanations. For instance, there is a logical argument to suggest that certain

Remember : this is your personal judgment about phone size. Don’t forget.

“Google is finally adding official support for fingerprint sensors, but the Moto X decided to ditch the feature to meet its crazy competitive price. The same goes for wireless charging. But Motorola thinks the style has plenty to entice people away from the wallet-busting alternatives and try something

I propose to make the lion-hunters hunt legal right now. Let humanity decide all together to put a price on the head of lion hunters and have fun tracking them down and shooting them like the scum they are. And then use them as biofuel or food for the lions in captivity.

Who’s with me ?


At 400$ this phone is THE number one contender to beat. Really really badass. I’ve 2 galaxy notes for the las 4 years and have been wanting to move away from Samsung and this is just too tempting. Plus the res is spot on for VR which is way too important already to ignore.

I mean 400 fucking bucks ???? Shee-it !

“$3,630 mAh battery” ?

They aren’t dropping the “note” name, which is exclusive of devices with the s-pen. The note edge was an experiment. Samsung does experiments, because they can and they have the balls.

Superamoled with more pixels = amazing VR experience. It’s not negligible. You may not consider mobile VR a thing but more and more people find it indispensable.

They didn’t. It’s just a different phone. Samsung has variety. Variety is good for the market, the economy and mankind in general.

You seem to be pretty uninformed. It’s most likely the galaxy s6+, a bigger version of the s6edge. The note will be released in September as usual.

If that’s the WHOLE difference, then Apple is in big trouble for sure.

Nope, it just has real multitasking. An extremely useful feature that simpletons don’t need, and that’s why they buy phones from another “brand”.

It’ll have a WAY better screen, for sure...

You need 4gb on any platform. If you don’t have at least 2 gb you can’t do multitasking. That’s Apple’s problem.

Please stop saying the specs are that good when the screen, one of the most important features of a TOUCH SCREEN phone, is terribly underwhelming. The non-removable battery will be a huge issue for most people after a year or so.

Except the design is 2 years outdated. It’s horribly thick. It has huge bezels. The screen is also 2 years outdated. No one cares about being “future proof” with usb-c when in 2 years your battery will last 5 minutes because you can’t replace it with a new one and you’ll have to get a new phone. The processor is known