
Keep looking for other planets to go live in, assholes. You’ll never find anything near as beautiful as our planet.

Talk for yourself. I’m not good with porn that’s always the same. I hate POV in particular, it’s the most boring mediocre crap ever.

Yes. And intrigue that ends up with officer Landa as a surprise is no intrigue at all. So predictable...

Specifically this one is 100% the same as all the other Daniel Craig ones. And 90% the same as all the other ones.

Don’t blame the time lapse, blame the disastrous music.

Holly shit ! This video has the strongest esthetic contradiction I’ve ever seen. The images are among the most epic that have ever been shot. But the music... Oh my God, such terribly crappy music to accompany these images. How ???? How can people be so ignorant of the immense amount of way better options there is ?

ipod touch ? really ?

Shouldn’t it be called “Google’s eyes and animals” by now ? It’s not that impressive if it is so restricted.

I’ve heard bad things about the snapdragon 810. Why not give a chance to mediatek ?

It really does look like more of the same. The formula is depleted, guys.

Fuck ! Dicks ! Dicks everywhere ! Ugly, tiny, hairy, disgusting dicks !!!!

One of the questions is the correlation between GMOs and the pesticides and chemical products accompanying them.

I have a samsung galaxy note 3. Still Android 4.4... Kill me.

It is pretty interesting but why eyes and dogs ? Always eyes and dogs ?

You love big black cocks, don’t ya ?

Human: what is the purpose of living ?Machine: to live forever .”

HOLLY SHIT ! That one was really deep.

Question : What is the will to power ?
Answer : The will to MORE power.

Aren’t people in the solar panel industry using evolutionary algorithms to evolve more efficient patterns ?

utter ugliness.

so ?