
You mean “pollo”, right ?


If you say so, Mr. random semi-an-alphabet ignorant commenting on shitty web site for stupid geeks !

Hey, here’s a solution : let’s go from to 700.000.000. I promise it’ll work.

I just went “control+f”, searched for “pdf” to find 0 mentions. Didn’t read a word of this useless post.

“This Dormant Monster Black Cock Just Woke Up”

“Some of Linnaeus’ contemporaries were not amused at all, calling the system “loathsome harlotry” and him a “botanical pornographer.”

Reference ?

Done. Thanks for this post.

This is pretty awesome. No they just need to add the microvibrations of muscle contraction and the waves over muscle and skin and that’s it. All that is left is an algorithm for good acting and we don’t need actors anymore. Fuck you, Ryan Gosling !

Was about time. I’ll laugh so hard at iPhone users when their next iPhone comes with its own stupid connector : lololololol

— But who put the ice crystals there ?? ALIENS !
— No, actually it’s just an atmospheric phenomenon that happens when the right conditions are met.
— And who made the conditions right ?? ALIENS !
— No, actually it’s a mixture of probabilities, initial conditions and the laws of nature.
— HA ! And who created the laws of

That is the most far fetched conclusion I have ever read in my life. Ever...

lol, can’t see shit if there’s a truck in front of the see-through truck...

The only solution for this is that data about incoming cars appears directly in your GPS, and something like that won’t be reliable enough to avoid important danger until who the hell knows...

This is very very old news (for neuroscience). People need to step out of their ignorance about the real deal in neuroscience.

You can start with this :

Solution : go from 7 000 000 000 humans to 100 000 000.

Plan for the solution : no more financial help per children and lots of other taxes for those who have more than 1 children.

Asian countries ? They will kill the newborn women. So what ? That’s not the Earth’s problem but ours. If those barbarians want to murder

small boobs = not hot

Interesting dilemma. Here’s another one with the same degree of idiocy :

“Should we become Gods to be immortal or find cures for our diseases ?”

Basically, terraforming other planets is just ridiculous science fiction. There’s no planet like Earth, let us just treat the way it deserves to be treated.

Fucking morons...

Do it black and white, add some dicks to it, and you’ll have a perfect HR Giger

This is awesome. I love woodpeckers and was actually interested in the dynamics of their woodpecking. Thanks !

True, maybe it’s time to come up with something new to reward amazing scientists.