
How. Good. Is. It. At. Handling. PDF ?

that’s all I have to ask.

not me

I don’t want this “”””cool””””” feature. I want Samsung to upgrade my goddamn galaxy note 3 out of KITKAT ALREADY!!!!


This extremely good science. If the project evolves I really wish they give these people a Noble Price.

Robo trumble, thank you for your diligence in keeping morals protected from a world of pedantic people. But your services are not required any more...

No video ?

Shee-it. Makes me wanna cry.

Don’t get me wrong. Research on ants is absolutely awesome and actually very important for research on cognition overall. But the layman won’t care about that unless you insinuate that the research is important for his (stupid) concerns.

Mmm, am I the only one who misses the voice of David Attenborough when listening to these teenagers narrate documentaries ? I think she’s pretty annoying...

They are pretty cool indeed. But spiders can be incredibly awesome too. Tiny creatures with so many capabilities...

“like bombs” ? Bombs don’t explode like that. Dicks ejaculate like the gif does. Please be honest about what you see...

“that’s a behavior emerging from a “mentality” that had to understand things like “I don’t want to waste others’ time if I’m wrong.”

No. Natural selection can have you get the same result without any kind of reasoning as the one you suggest. Please read more before expressing your opinion.

Calling it metacognition sells betters. Saying it is about consciousness sells better. This is a lot of bullshit added on a very simple, not very surprising study. Let’s move on.

Calling it metacognition sells betters. Saying it is about consciousness sells better. This is a lot of bullshit added on a very simple, not very surprising study. Let’s move on.

The name of this post should be “new findings about ant social behavior”. Calling it “hints about what ant consciousness is really like” is so far from the actual contents of the scientific study that it makes me feel robbed. Cognitive science is sometimes good science but gets systematically ruined by the constant

Jurassic Wars is going to bring Velociraptor rap to the public.

You are so full of shit. I read through the whole thing expecting to see boobs and nothing.

Thanks for this, pretty bad ass. And I love that wall mounted PC. I hate dusty boxes !

I’d put poop in it.