
The police chief is just trying to cover his ass.

Yeah, but cameramen love the jizz.

Hint : masturbate less often and all those pimples in your face will go away.

You’ll be allowed to bring your own VR headset

Shouldn’t the tunnels be covered with solar panels ? And surrounded by guards every half mile to avoid, you know, theft, vandalism, terrorism ?

Good. This will give everyone 24 hours to get their shit together and say goodbye to family and friends. Or to engage in a frenzy of absolute drugs, rape and destruction. Doesn’t really matter which one you pick...

Lol, this is pathetic.


Poor little thing. You think you are such a badass. You don’t know cops are the only thing keeping your soft little white (I suppose you’re a white teen who wished he was born black) little ass from getting raped by any gang of criminals. Or maybe that’s what you want, and that’s why you hate cops ?

Anyway : you’re

And my all time favorite :

Seriously ? A hole piece of a movie ? That’s all ?

No, you got it all backwards. The possibility of fertile hybridization is the very definition of a species. If they can mate and be fertile, then it’s the same species, just a different sub-species. If they can’t then we call them different species by definition. Read Ernst Mayr, for crying out loud...

Sorry, this is supposed to be moving and all, and I fucking love dogs, but I just can’t get past the fact that the dog is being impersonated by a gay voice. I have nothing against gay people but I can’t enjoy a dog being impersonated awkwardly, that’s all. That’s right, rage on me, you idiots, I don’t give a fuck,

The police should also be trained to stop a whole army with one finger and to enforce world peace, produce free energy for everyone and reincarnate God’s will on Earth.

Right ?

Please, be realistic, please. You are fucking ridiculous.

Lol, yeah it’s CGI, right ?

You have impressive fact filtering abilities to support your arguments. Too bad that’s not how proving an argument works.

Perfect argument. Thanks. No one dares recommend your post...

LOL. Thanks a lot for that. Crazy how no one recommended your post nor cared to check your link. How hypocritical can Gizmodo readers be, it’s unbelievable...

Here’s the answers you’ll get : “That’s CGI, bro, it’s fake. A teenager would never do that. You racist punk !”