
“Just stop. Just fucking stop it, okay?” ???
How about arguments and facts, bro ? Learn about that and only then come back and give your opinion.

No ! They where little angels. All of them. Little black angels going to church to praise the lord, and then a white policeman cop car passed by, the bad man stepped off and started kicking and hitting every poor little child. He actually said things like “Lucifer is my master, death to all little black angels”.


Thank you. Exactly. So many people complaint about the cop here, but if a gang of teenagers invade their private property and then gang around the only cop who shows up, I wonder if they will go “FUCK YOU POLICE MAN”.

This is ridiculous. So many stupid people...

1) Teenagers can be very annoying
2) Teenagers who don’t learn to respect authority at home will try to resist it, whining, kicking and crying when presented with true authority in a public situation
3) The whole thing would seem way less of a case of “police brutality” if all the teenagers didn’t yell so much
4) Try it

That’s a very deep argument. You opened my eyes...

Lol, bro, lol. I can bet good money even without listening to it. If so many people like it’s most likely crap, because most people love to eat crap.

Thank god for that. Drake, whoever that is, can suck my dick anytime. I still won’t know who the hell he is nor care.

Good for you, wanting to believe that Apple is your friend and doesn’t spy on your pics. It’s good to believe things.

Nope. Still doesn’t ring a bell and thank god for it. I wouldn’t any of my precious memory spaces to be used up by this insignificant being.

Everything that starts with “youtuber X explores whatever thing he’s not an expert on” deserves to be ignored and that’s precisely what I will do with this random guy.

Correction : Google doesn’t “want” to give us unlimited photo storage, it already does.

OK, so what you are proposing is that cops don’t do anything against guns because they might be toys ? Good one there, bro. “This is a terrifying state of affairs”. Yes it is, not because cops made it that way, but because criminals made it that way. The terrifying person is not the cop nor the child using a toy gun,

“What makes it dangerous is one day you, yourself, could be misidentified as a “violen” criminal by a cop, and instead of having a fighting chance, you get shot in the back of the head.”

LOOOOOOOOLLLL !!! Hahah, man, that has NEVER happened. Never. Don’t be ridiculous, please.

My avatar is part of my argument ? Is that what you’re saying ? Lol, you’re a funny guy.

You watch too many movies. The “shoot the leg” argument is pure phantasy from people who have never shot a gun before, have never been under threat before and have no idea of how hard it is to aim at thin, moving targets.

You mean the small percentage of cops who do kill INNOCENT people should get pursued.

Android taking 4gb to install is kind of a problem that [shitty phone makers] should probably address

Congratulations on your very creative reply. No wonder you like Apple...

So Apple is officially defining itself negatively, as just the opposite of whatever someone else invents first. Good luck to all of you, iPhone users...

On a different note, who the FUCK is that Drake guy ? Never heard his name before. What kind of shitty music are you listening to ????? Come on people ! Hundreds of

A larger problem for android? Why? Don’t like this partícular phone model? Don’t buy it. Thousands more models out there. Android couldn’t care less about shitty phone models.