
I share your conclusion and I may add : I fucking love Earth and there is no better place out there.

Hahaha, sure, man. You watch waaaay too many pictures. And why are you so eager to save the criminal’s life ?? I don’t want to pay my taxes for 30 years so he can live comfortably in prison.

You don’t know what you are talking about. You can’t compare the type of criminality with any other country, each country has it’s own risks when dealing with criminals. Why don’t you also search for how many cops are injured while trying to “unarm” suspects, etc ? You live in a fantasy world my friend and the bottom

100% true. So many people just prefer to think that for some reason every non-cop in the world is a good person and every cop is a murdering son of a bitch. Ridiculous...

I’d rather play Dune 2 Battle of Arrakis on my cellphone

Gifs still don’t work properly on facebook. #fuckzuckerberg

The USA has helium reserves they don’t know what to do with and are selling for almost nothing.

This thing might not be actually safer than an airplane, but it gives me the impression of being safer, or if it has to fall, at least I’ll have a slight chance of surviving, and that’s all I care about. I would travel from Europe to America on this thing always and never again board an airplane. I don’t care if the

Hmm, is this one of those SD cards that say they are 512 GB but whatever you write beyond 24 GB disappears ? Hmmm

Got it, was funny

Shouldn’t the bike itself be generating the power to turn a vent ?

Yay !!!! Every solution to an energetic problem creates another problem ! Yay !

That’s what you get when your population reaches 7G.

Humm, dude, I think you have a mild case of muscular hypertrophy ? You should get that checked out.

Just make sure you don’t bump into anything...

Some people will already start cutting their dicks off, expecting the tech to move forward fast enough so they can have their new, bigger dick ready for xmas. “Here, honey, Santa was really moved by your letter”

Your link depressed me for the next 5 years. Thanks...

Horrible yet beautiful...

Two people (including himself) actually recommended that jerk’s post. There’s no hope.

Holy fucking shit, bro, holy fucking shit. Please tell me you are 12, and you don’t actually vote.