
Thanks for your post, that’s the healthy reaction everybody should have...

Goddam. Everyday, every fucking day I have to fight with some shithead on these blogs saying “What’s the problem ? It’ll be restored, it’ll solve itself, don’t be such an alarmist. We can get water from [insert fancy possible future technology here].”

Goddamn, why can’t these people be censored ??? Drinkable water is

I can’t take your answer seriously since you don’t provide any official data, just some ex-recto estimates. The averages I am “fixated on” at least are actual data.

Exactly. The argument is a double fallacy.

I don’t understand your answer. What is supposed not to work like that ? A few Millenia ago someone may have said “I’d rather we have a government and let it punish criminals instead of having just anarchy and chaos”, and someone may have answered “I’d rather have a bigger farm and more yield, but that’s not exactly

Is it me or there is something absurd about this post? “Japanese train (service) are super safe and never late, so let’s import those trains”??? But you’ll want to import the Japanese workers too since them and not the actual train, are the ones keeping those excellent records!!!!!

Cool effect. Too bad that shit must be toxic as FUCK

I suspect the “autonomously” in “If it senses the object isn’t moving, it wises up and tries an entirely new position autonomously” is not that autonomous...

lol !!!!!

loud music is by far the worst. Death to those people.

Your answer is fallacious. The fact that we occupy a small percentage of the available land doesn’t mean it’s a good thing. The point is precisely that we should occupy a way smaller percentage of land.

Your comment is the best so far

It’s crazy, just crazy how over simplistic it is to state the problem in terms of food alone, stating that “there is enough food to feed everybody” and then claim that it’s the greedy rich who won’t share food with the poor.

Why is the point hard to get ?
Someone gets cancer at 50, does some treatment, but he’s still gonna die at 55. Without cancer he might’ve lived to 75.

Was it really that hard to get ?

I agree that it’s very stupid. I think that we can’t expect any flexibility whatsoever from Samsung so it’s up to google to create the options for compatibility with the Gear VR.

Isn’t this proof that democracy is just a big lie? A small group of people know this is completely absurd but they can’t do anything because it’s a SMALL group of people.

But what I don’t get from these studies is that people still die, only a few months later ? Am I wrong or no one really ever survives cancer ?

I want them to provide an easier coding platform for vr, that’s all ‘im asking this year

Being Batman is so much cooler than being a normal dude.

Your big ass saved your life, man. Why would anyone want to fucking... dah, whatever... Fuck Robinson Crusoe...