

Oh, and now show us the video to fight ads-sneaked-into-stupid-videos abuse.

Fuck this and fuck pizza hut.

lol, I love that some of the mario Kart references are hidden at times. The sounds are great.

I only have a few words : FUCK RICH ARABS

I am waiting for a kickass deal on SD or micro SD 128gb card. But 60$ is still too much for me. I know it wont take long until they will give it away for no more than 40$

I am waiting for a kickass deal on SD or micro SD 128gb card. But 60$ is still too much for me. I know it wont take

I need a decent refresh rate to read pdfs and manually zoom in and out etc.

Pretty neat. Well done

Let us not make it about me, shall we ? Is the current refresh rate enough to support the same snappy functionality of a smartphone without glitches and irritating the user ?


I think the only really good thing about this is the light weight. When I had to hand my 46’ TV to the wall, not only I spent like an hour drilling the holes, etc. but I didn’t feel convinced when I hanged the whole thing with a wire.

Wow, she looks so real...

WOW ! add THIS to that list :

128gb usb 3,0 for 34 $ !!!

WOW ! add THIS to that list :

128gb usb 3,0 for 34 $ !!!

I am living with permanent 64 gb in my 128gb ssd mbp. It’s pretty cool. However now I need the 128 because backing up the ssd requires 128gb, so my advice to you is not to look at the best price/quality ratio but to consider that 128 for 44$ is just an unbelievable prize.

I am living with permanent 64 gb in my 128gb ssd mbp. It’s pretty cool. However now I need the 128 because backing

Give e-ink a decent refresh rate and I will consider.

You are not a weirdo. Spiders are amongst the awesomest living creatures on earth. They can jump, dance, make music, make webs, hunt, and many other amazing stuff. And they are “just” arthropods ...

Please everybody ignore this guy. It’s a stupid distraction from the actual and interesting topic of mobile VR.

Ahoy !

I’ve already seen lots of very good chinese plastic headsets for the carboard app on sale in amazon for 20-35 $, which was the original price of a carboard headset. If prices are this low, this means that figuring the headset part might finally be out of the way and probably google are up to something software-related

You see ? The problem is that by reacting to a “sucks dick” accusation and answering “no we don’t” you are actually implying that sucking dick is bad, and by derivation that male homosexuality is bad. So I’m sorry, guys, but you just need to embrace a “sucksdick” accusation and live with it, or else you are fucking

Slavery was just a quick psychological hypothesis of why someone would not care about environmental constraints to their enjoyment of money. Chinese and Hebrews too were slaves and the same logic would apply to them if they fucked up the environment.

Never call people ignorant on comments when you are stupid (which