
fair enough. I should add : there a lot of stupid educated people.

Man, you really are the grand master of logical fallacies...

Just because you can recover some utility from a fucked up thing doesn’t mean you should keep fucking up that thing.

Classical example : Nero burning Rome gives jobs to construction workers. Let’s burn Rome more often.


I believe you are just quoting what he said ? Doesn’t mean he’s educated.

Now playing

This is how “talented” your Kanye West is...

No one said anything about skin color. And The hobbit (kim kardashian) is not black. Still uneducated.

Now playing

If I have to judge for the quality of his music, lyrics and the way he sings, he looks 100% challenged.

I mean... come on

insignificant stuff adds up, and it’s a matter of principle : waste should be avoided ALWAYS

By far the best and most deserved comment

There’s a limit on the resolution human eyes can perceive, you know that, right ?


That’s right, if they have money and they want to burn fossil fuels for nothing, waste every drop of water in the world, watch Snuff movies, or abuse children and torture random people, why wouldn’t they ? Let them do what they please with their money.

Fucking retard.

This proves a theory of mine : that uneducated people shouldn’t become rich.

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian not only have no talent at all, and their richness is due mainly to other uneducated people feeding them money, but they are also uneducated.

Thus I imagine them thinking “FUCK the environment. My family were


No super slo-mo-fo ? missa not impressa .

Your reading sounds correct. It also applies to recycling : if people are told that they can consume whatever crap they want and then the left overs can be recycled then they will consume even more until the critical capacity is reached again even with recycling.

The problem is at the very core of human behavior and

However the graphics weren’t actually maxed out or were they ? I mena, the explosion at the beginning and some other things didn’t look like the GTA V I know...

that final dance was awesome

Now Bryan Cranston should agree to film himself doing it and this would be the funniest circular series of events ever.

Nihil novi sub sole

How come you got more recommendations than me ???

yep. Bistable perception