I love the jokes. But let's be real, when life begins to get more difficult in America, these groups will grow, and white people who currently act like allies of PoC will fall in tight behind them and usher in new Jim Crow without question.
I love the jokes. But let's be real, when life begins to get more difficult in America, these groups will grow, and white people who currently act like allies of PoC will fall in tight behind them and usher in new Jim Crow without question.
As my parents are Dominican, this makes me annoyed.
Never apologize to bitter people.
Getting bitter is not the right way to deal with things.
No, just a bitter black guy.
Oh please, as if the end to the feminist fight wouldn't just be announced "Mission Accomplished" once white women are at parity.
Because white people are individuals while black people are subhuman mongrels (thanks Ted Nugent!) that are like herd animals. They aren't sentient, they are a Complex Adaptive System that only SEEMS intelligent but really work completely on pheromones, instinct and environmental cues.
Author, thank you for stating the obvious.
Don't get me wrong, America is just as bad as Europe its just different.
Europe is worse.
I hope its like Mindy Kailing's one: HERE
I have actually heard people say That NDT is the result of affirmative action, and doesn't deserve his positions.
Heh the WiiU outsold the XboxOne in December!
What a waste of food and resources.
I dunno: If a saw a woman doing what I saw in that video, I would have the same reaction....
Yeah, that's what I took away from this video as well.
I am just waiting to see if he gets off or not.
There is really nothing else to say here.
Isn't Vogue a global magazine?
My take away from this article...