Now we know why Donald Sterling wasn't at the Clippers game.
Now we know why Donald Sterling wasn't at the Clippers game.
Lets not act or let ourselves think that Europe is any better with race relations than America.
I also enjoy when people ask me: "Where did you get a french last name?!" If it happens to be in an interview or business setting, I give the polite French Caribbean bootstrapping story. If its outside on my own time, I take secret pleasure in explaining the legacy of slavery.
As a black person with a very french sounding name thank you Haitian forefathers, I can say that I've gotten in and had a slight edge on certain opportunities because of it. How do I know, because the minute I had to meet these people, their faces would change. And they'd do the double take. It's the double take that…
We don't kill people for their beliefs where I come from. It was a private party, not a political convention, she isn't trying to make a race statement.
Ba-Dump Kish!
To add insult to injury, when Jinno protested his second eviction, the IOC asked him to pipe down.
None of those trains on that tumblr look particularly full.
This disturbing trend is likely to continue, since women with incomes below the national poverty level are more vulnerable to restrictions on access to reproductive care and low- or no-cost contraception.
Don't think there's any malicious intent, but please fix the title. Those poor girls are being awarded the Congressional Gold Medal, not the Medal of Honor.
Can people spare the angry black person gifs?
They are hypocritical to use in a article lambasting the perpetuation of stereotypes.
Can anyone explain why these "tongue clucking black woman" gifs aren't part of the problem?