I enjoyed the last Tomb Raider very much, but I agree with OP that it lost alot of what made Tomb Raider special.
I enjoyed the last Tomb Raider very much, but I agree with OP that it lost alot of what made Tomb Raider special.
Why do people get hyped up on Platinum games?
just because he cannot draw doesn't mean he cannot judge the art.
These pictures do nothing without context.
America isn't a Theocracy, its a Plutocracy on its way to Oligarchy.
You monster... YOU MONSTER.
This type of behaviour is hard wired into humanity.
No I love puzzle games. But their trailer just looked so simplistic and boring.
Looks really boring.
Racism is no longer a factor in America!
Then white people better be very concerned about Indians and Chinese people then.
If its for reproduction and monopolization of reproductive resources wouldn't the best strategy be genocide of all non-whites? Limit the reproductive potential of non-whites and reduce their numbers until they are not a threat. Possibly keep a few around on regulated areas and keep their numbers low by repeated…
This past week should be a wake up call for Black Americans in the United states.
More institutional racism!
"But there is absolutely no need to create fan fiction around a stereotypical character black folks have been working to shirk off for decades. "
This must be staged. Republicans have instilled in me the fact that poor people are black.
You realize this is a talking point of many white people, right?
Whats next then?
Allowing Blacks to Celebrate St. Patricks day?