And boom goes the dynamite.
And boom goes the dynamite.
Seeing as its pretty much confirmed he shows up later in the season, this is a CHEAP PLOY.
Wishful thinking.
Racists are not dying out. Sure its less open and notorious, but personal and institutional racisim is still deeply ingrained in our culture. You think just because the previous generation dies out, that a class of people will just throw away the advantages that allow them to stay on top?
Can I sell…
Are porcupines's that big... or is she that small?
EDIT: Ok the African Porcupine is that big... but this is New Jersey....
What is the thing next to her in the picture?
I also enjoy when people ask me: "Where did you get a french last name?!" If it happens to be in an interview or business setting, I give the polite French Caribbean bootstrapping story. If its outside on my own time, I take secret pleasure in explaining the legacy of slavery.
Bah, I spelled mother wrong. How sad. Sadder still that I cannot edit it now.
I am a 6'4" black man, 295 pounds.
At least in the case of the young man, they did ask for ID.
Wow a brown mexican in the media?
I am shocked, I thought mexico was full of light skinned people from their media.
Insert internet tough guy.gif here.
Are you advocating further violence?
How many of these would work after a nuclear war though?
You don't think things like this happen in America?
Ba-Dump Kish!
My father told me as a child (I am black btw):
Son, they call America a melting pot.
I want to remind you that generally every melting pot is black on the bottom.
None of those trains on that tumblr look particularly full.
I am sure they would rather have lived their lives.
White people eat anything they want because they are individuals.
Its not really relevant... I just wanted to be selfish and talk about me a bit.