
"without knowing it, we walk more slowly ahead of men and swing our hips"

I think Capaldi is capable of gravitas, something that the previous 3 Doctors kinda lacked. But the role has become so energetic like Willy Wonka on crack that I think they have to go back to the drawing board with him. You can't just have the writing team thinking Smith with the body of Capaldi. It rings false, or

Babylon 5 has always seemed far better suited to TV to me, and in this 'golden age' of TV we're in, a feature film seems like a really odd choice. Still, the guy knows what he's about, and if he's this confident then hopefully there's good reason.

You'd think some of the money they save short changing women on salaries could go to free tampons for all.

Can we all agree to get out of the Victorian era, already?

And that thing about "past regression therapy" were everyone was a prince in a past life.

Now playing

the tendency to idealize the time they came from

Ill just put this here.

Feminists...people that want, and ask for, gender equality.

Nazis...a group that systematically slaughtered millions of people.

Nope...no...still not understanding the need to use the term feminazi...

Actually the first comment was from someone complaining about feminazis. Congratulations on your early trolling.

Nope. Yes, she was a competent character in-universe before falling for Steve, but in the movie her role as a character was to be a love interest. SHe was well-written and well-rounded, which is not as common as it should be, but it was still the role she was there to fulfill.

Hate interest to love/hate interest to hero, I think.

Counsellor Troi was basically just eye candy and a love interest for Riker in the beginning. But she went on to be a respected Lt Commander.



Where did they use this? The map is in Spanish, but the words on top are in English...

Lifespan. Such a linear construct for such a nonlinear being like the Doctor.