
I, Robot, the Will Smith film, was a completely unrelated film that ended up getting Asimov grafted onto it, and it was still a more faithful Asimov story than Apple TV’s Foundation.

10 Reasons You Should Be Watching Foundation

I don't think it erased Batfleck, it just meant that Barry ended up on a different but similar piece of speggetti. 

Title: The Witch Queen Is The Best Campaign Destiny’s Ever Had”

“I’m not racist… I don’t care what color or what religion anyone is,” she continued. “Are you a nice person? That’s what I judge you on.”

The demonic puppets from Angel’s Smile Time episode have all come forward with allegations against Joss Whedon, too.

Why would anyone want to pay to get rejected? They can get that for free in real life.

I feel bad for everyone involved. Even Kobe. But yeah, dude raped a woman. Bet she wishes she could forget that happened.

I don’t need a reminder; actually it was one of the first things I thought of when the news popped up in my feed. News of his death still shocked the shit out of me tho...

To be honest with you I felt like Kate McKinnon dusted off a piece she would have done on Hillary and just used Theresa May in its stead. The idea of the downtrodden, determined, and misunderstood older female politician felt very familiar. I think in this case they were ignoring the politics and just focusing on that

Imagine a British comedy sketch with the premise: “wow US Democrats sure do hate Trump’s wall i bet that makes him sad how do they keep their roofs up if they hate walls so much lol”, and you have an idea of how wrongheaded that Theresa May sketch was.

First off: thank you for your service.

A lot of people depend on the time-and-a-half offered by a some (but not enough) employers during the holiday season. 

But that’s true of every day in Canada vs. the US.

Yeah, but it isn't anything close to the carbohydrate carnage you guys do. 

The good news is every time the Red Sox win the World Series in a year ending in ‘18, they don’t win another one for 86 years.

“...It has been a very disruptive thing in my life.”

You know who you should blame? A cowardly media that won’t remind her (or President Dickcheese) about this.