I see the Warcraft universe is just as consistent as ever.
I see the Warcraft universe is just as consistent as ever.
The ghost of 45 will last a very long time even after he’s dead.
Conservatives in October 2016: It’s just locker room talk!
Conservatives in April 2018: This lady comedian is so vulgar!
Right? Like, how many times do you hear about people who knew fucking MURDERERS saying “He seemed like such a nice guy, I never saw this coming”?
Once again a police department is intent on making sure we all know that their barrel is nothing but rotten apples.
Yeah people need to stop pretending he’s anything but a hypocritical contrarian.
Forget buying a small country, you could feed one.
I stopped watching after season 2, and I won’t miss the show too much, but it was better than a lot of the mediocre stuff I’ve seen getting greenlit for streaming channels. At least it was decently written and Bernal is so stellar in it.
I’m beginning to think that the success of Game of Thrones is starting to having a negative effect on the television industry. It seems more and more channels are dumping more modest but original shows for super expensive genre series of varying quality. Some of these I like (like Westworld) and some are just OK (Alter…
I hear an executive working for Amazon was envious of Mozart In the Jungle’s success and sought to undermine the show using his connections. But in secret, he watched every episode of the show, twice, his defeat growing greater with each passing minute.
Vets are cool till you have to reimburse them for the services they provided you.
Those are also per-dominantely red states. They’d want those populations to be under-reported so they can redistrict what few Democratic seats are left out of existence.
At least the actor who plays Carl gets to finally wash his hair and gets it cut.
I posted this on a Jezebel thread, but I think it’s relevant here:
Following Wayne LaPierre’s rigorous commitment to arming educators in the wake of yet another school shooting,…
My cousin has worked with Timothy Cunningham. She said it is out of character for him not to contact his family. He’s a very methodical thinker and wouldn’t just wander off. I hope he is found safe and alive.
“We don’t believe that bans have ever worked on anything*,”
I hate agreeing with the NRA on anything, but...
“We don’t believe that bans have ever worked on anything,”
I tried this trick on three different discs and they all smelled so delicious afterwards that I ate them before having a chance to test them.