

There, fixed your headline for you.

No. Just no. Today was going so well!!

Thank you. On Three Ways of Writing for Children is my go-to whenever someone calls Sci Fi or Fantasy childish. It’s chalk full of quotable rebuttals.

“Critics who treat adult as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in

Given how much I’ve learned from comics, books, movies and such that are ostensibly not “grown up” and how little substance exists in some supposedly “grown up” things, I’d say that a few robot fights do not mean you can’t also discuss racial politics, or whatever the subject at hand is.

It is such bullshit. Is there something inferior about wanting a child and not being able to have one? Are they somehow ‘lesser women’ for wanting the child? For being violated and not having the choice? Is that not sad? Are we NOT ALLOWED to feel sad for her? That character is NOT ALLOWED to exist for some reason?

Because you had a CHOICE. If you were to have sex by CHOICE it wouldn’t be a bad thing either, but if it is forced on you it’s a HUGE FREAKING DEAL. I’m a little confused about how you’re not getting that.

Sure, but Black Widow was forced to be sterilized so that she could be nothing more in life than a gun who kills people.

She can’t just be the coolest aunt, or have made the valid choice that, as an assassin and spy, maybe kids are not in the cards for her. Or even the more radical choice that she just doesn’t want them. No, she can’t ever have babies, so her life is ruined. She is an incomplete woman.

People keep bringing this up. I think the reveal of her sterilization had more to do with her relationship with Banner than it being the crowning moment in her backstory. And as others have repeated, the tragedy of her sterilization isn’t that she can’t have kids, it’s that she had that choice taken away.

Nice strawman. Sarkeesian comes across more like Tipper Gore during the Parental Advisory movement, claiming that depictions in art influence real-world behavior, despite no hard evidence to back it up.

i would just like to take a moment to appreciate that the url for this post is "one-of-t-a-t-us-fake-lesbians-is-actually-a-raging-homo"

This is Gawker Media in a nutshell:

This many stars for you and then some.

"You wanted God to intervene and save your child. He heard your prayers. That's why I'm here.I am going to take this child to a doctor. And if you try to stop me, I am going to make you curse the day your mother ejected you from her clown car of a vagina, dipshit."

Nowhere in the Bible does it say "Thou shalt not use thy common sense and not take thy dying child to a doctor."

I'm usually all for it, too, except here, where she basically says, "This is how God made me. Deal with it." *mic drop*

You do realize the neckbeards arguing with you have to spread the gospel of the Pasta Messiah at all costs or reap the wrath of the Noodle Supreme's vengeance? "A book about god, man, local history, parables, morals and the afterlife that doesn't mention aliens, quarks, black holes ,where dinosaurs came from or how

That may be true, they might not be giving you a satisfactory counterargument. But that doesn't excuse you from acting like a total hippocrite. Several times you've called people ignorant for making sweeping generalisations about groups of people, and then you do the exact same thing by saying "how very Christian of