
Do you really believe that it's just ignorance talking when someone expresses concern that a device that's meant to prevent unplanned pregnancies could potentially be hacked—especially in a political climate in which birth control is virtually synonymous with whoredom? AND considering how long Heartbleed went

This. Completely. With the plethora of food recalls, I only buy pasture-raised, grass-fed, wild-caught, and organic/non-GMO. And yeah—that shit's fucking expensive. We're a solidly blue-collar, working-class family of (soon-to-be) four in California, and we spend—bare minimum—$800 to $1000 a month on food. That's

Who said anything about reduction in protein intake?

I really felt I'd arrived when I got my first skort. There were many skorts to come after that.

"A third of family practitioners are considering jettisoning vaccines entirely."

That's why I'm totally calling bullshit on Matt Lauer. Basically, he's implying that the only reason he asked the question was because Mary Barra brought it up. But male CEOs talk about their kids all the time! Of course, it's not in the same context of work/life balance that female CEOs always have to navigate, but

Yes! I feel like the social division of labor when it comes to parenting is just as unfair to my husband as it is to me. I work from home so I'm stressed that I have to "do it all," but my husband gets depressed at having to miss out on so much time with our son. He texts me every Monday morning and asks what time the

What really fucking pisses me off is that she did all the work and was there from the beginning, but of course, they had to have a male CMO, so they fucking trucked in some douche bag who clearly doesn't even have enough self-control to speak in complete sentences, much less market shit. But yeah, no, there isn't a

Where did she say the confederate flag represents white people?

I think what's scarier about the ruling is that since it is based on completely made up facts, this precedent could be broadened to apply to all birth control coverage, since all hormonal birth control comes with the ancillary effect of thinning the uterine lining to prevent implantation. I know my crazy ass ultra

I wanted to love my Paraguard, but I became convinced that the copper was causing my extreme joint pain, back aches, headaches, and breakouts. In retrospect, it was probably due to other factors (I was nine months postpartum and had just restarted my period), but I was in enough pain to try anything, so I ended up

Yeah, because people can't just run, you know! I mean, it's not like you can get a bunch of people together and say "hey, do you guys all want to run in the same direction to see who reaches the finish line first, wearing your normal running clothes? And maybe we can give the money to charity?" Fuck no! If you're


Oh, here, I'll do it for you: "WAH! I wanted to watch bitches run while dressed like little girls because pedophilia is hot!"

Oh, Lordy—a broken rib at 34 weeks? God, I feel sorry for myself every time I have to bend over to put something in the dishwasher. I knew pregnancy would be hard, but it wasn't until I got pregnant with my two-year-old that I was like "what the fuck is this shit?!"

Not gonna lie, I get super jealous when I hear stories like this, because at 37 weeks, my workout consists of bracing my back muscles when I have to make a sharp turn in my car. And I'm out of breath by the time it's over.

I'm just getting fucking angry looking at his hair. Like, who the fuck do you think you are when you bleach your hair and painstakingly spike it like that? Oh yeah? You're EDGY?? You're down with the cool cats?! Because you go through four bottles of hair gel a day??

Ugh. I remember going to a church picnic where a popular Catholic speaker (not really a motivational speaker, but close) made the "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!" joke, and I was like "wow! This guy's got talent!" And then later on, I went to college, got deprogrammed, and realized that the guy didn't come

Oh, wow. I love that. "As a man who clearly has no children, let me mansplain children to you."