That's what I thought too! I thought the police were going all Stabler and Benson on him!
That's what I thought too! I thought the police were going all Stabler and Benson on him!
Oh about five years ago. But we were staying in the French Quarter and were drunk tourists most of the time, so we didn't do much hunting around. It was more like stumbling around Bourbon Street in search of food and finding that no place had non-meat options—apart from maybe bread.
I made the mistake of reading this article on Gawker first. All of the comments were "because veganism is RIDIKULUS!"
I went to NOLA with a vegetarian friend. Yeah, she starved the whole time we were there. And we did, in fact, run into a pescatarian waitress who said she was a vegetarian prior to moving to New Orleans, but had to become pescatarian in order to survive.
No. He was asking sexist questions while rephrasing them to make it sound like he was asking about sexism.
I particularly love how he rephrased the question "did you get this job because you're a woman and a mom?" as "when you hear people say that, does it make sense or does it make you bristle?" Nice one, brah.
My boss had a baby a few months after I did and it was pretty surprising to me how different our approaches to it were. I went all AP, co-sleeping, etc. etc, since my husband's the primary earner and I have a lot of job flexibility, but she's the CEO of our company AND the primary caregiver in her family, so she was…
I really wish female CEOs would start calling reporters/talk show hosts out for this. I was fully expecting her to say "would you ask a male CEO that question?" I mean my God—no one's asking Larry Page how he's able to run Google and be a good dad.
Actually, interesting factoid: 75% of male executives have stay-at-home wives, but 75% of female executives have husbands who work full-time. I'm being lazy and don't want to look up the citation for that, but it comes from a non-partisan study of work and family life in America. just blew my mind.
Ohh, check it, bitch. My ass can google too!…
This shit pisses me off so fucking much. I notice this with almost every aspect of domestic life and how it's approached by men versus women. Like how when a woman cooks, it's because the family has to eat, but when a man cooks, it's because he's this totally awesome chef and makes the best fucking lasagna you've ever…
That reminds me of a selection from The Second Shift where she talks about how in every family she interviewed, the wife did almost all of the everyday, mundane tasks, and everything that the husband did became virtually fetishized into this great, glorious thing that only he could do (only once a week or once a…
This perfectly mirrors the internal monologue I had last weekend while cleaning my house in preparation for a BBQ...mostly because I resent any and all forms of cleaning and still feel entitled to a "thank you" from SOMEONE every time I unload the dishwasher.
Not to sound snarky, but I'm guessing that based on your second thought, you've never given birth. I had no pregnancy complications but it was still a good month before I could sit down in a normal chair. It was definitely a good six weeks before I felt safe enough to drive without falling asleep at the wheel from…
Yes, the emergency fund rule is something all people should do—but not everyone is in a position to do that when minimum wage isn't even enough to cover basic living expenses and student debt has a stranglehold on many households. Simply saying "well then those people shouldn't have kids" is incredibly classist and…
I'm confused. Are you saying that 1) it's a woman's responsibility to make sure she already works for an employer with 50 or more employees when she gets pregnant, and that 2) new mothers don't actually need six weeks of disability leave?
Yeah, except shit happens. My husband and I scrimped for months prior to having our son. We were incredibly LUCKY that we didn't encounter any other medical emergencies or life events that would've drained us in this time. The second time around: not so much. A trip to the hospital for me, a couple of emergency…
Yes, indeed. Which is why states like California do what virtually every other progressive country on the planet does and they use taxpayer dollars to keep women and newborns alive for a few weeks. In CA, it comes out of disability. In countries like France, you pay higher taxes, but you don't plunge into bankruptcy…
True story: I literally just said "sweet Jesus" out loud.