
I regret my recent purchase of a pair of Crocs. I knew they were ugly, but I just said 'fuck it, I need to just do it and get it over with.' I now lie awake each night, moaning with regret over a pair of ugly ass yellow rubber clogs that I'll never wear and I'm too lazy to take to the post office to mail back to

No, she just figured there was nothing she could do about it and has been looking for another job since. I've told her to look into legal avenues to get this shit taken care of, because they've made it pretty clear to her that what they're doing IS related to her being a breastfeeding mother. When they told her they

I agree. In my (limited layman's) experience, the vast majority of moms I know who switched to formula did so because their milk dried up after going back to work. The system really sucks for breastfeeding moms. My sister worked nights at Victoria Secret when her third was born, and when the company found out that by

I personally don't really understand why there isn't actually a specialized medical field devoted exclusively to breastfeeding. The mechanics can be so complicated and tiny little details can completely derail a breastfeeding relationship, like poor latch or tongue-tie or just stress and wonky hormones. So for women

I thought my son was so damn cute when he was nursing that I took a whole bunch of pictures on my phone. And then I sold the phone to my stepsister but forgot to delete the pics first. So now she has a phone full of pics of my flabby, veiny nursing boobs.

No foreign dictator could possibly take a woman president seriously when she's just perioding all over the place.

"Ethnic backgrounds that are known to practice sex selection account for up to 3.9% of all abortions in South Dakota." It referred to South Dakota Department of Health statistics showing that 3.9 percent of abortion patients in 2011 reported their race as "other," that is, not white, black, or Native American.

My husband figured this one out on his own with our son, J. We were both spanked as kids and I'm very anti-spanking, but my husband was pro-spanking when we had our son. One evening after dinner, J was doing something (I think messing with the dogs while they were sleeping or something) and my husband smacked him on

Now that I think about it, of the six or so people who have posted that meme on FB, four of them have acknowledged that they were actually abused as kids. But still!

The point. You've missed it.

I was spanked routinely as a kid by a stepfather who hated me. I don't see this meme as saying I'm an asshole for it—because I'm not going around insisting that spanking made me a great person, thereby implying that people who DON'T spank are raising bratty, disrespectful kids. I can see the difference and so should

For all those people who do the "I was spanked and I turned out fine!" bullshit, I always just say "but we have things called 'facts.'"

Oy. Man, I need this for all the times I see that God damned "My parents spanked me as a child and now I suffer from a psychological condition known as 'respect for others'" meme. I swear to God, if I see that thing one more time I'm going to cut my own damn throat.

I love how pro-spanking parents always change the word to "swat" when they talk about how they hit their kids. "We give little Billy a swat on the butt when he acts up and he's not a delinquent!" Like changing the word "spank" or "hit" to "swat" makes it all okay.

Maybe if he wasn't such an asshole to gay people, one of them would be nice enough to tell him how stupid his haircut is.

Ugh. I always thought those moms were so silly and neurotic until I was the one in the pediatrician's waiting room screaming, "He has whooping cough! My baby has whooping cough!" because I heard a little "whoop" sound once. I was even apologizing while I was there because I was AWARE OF HOW CRAZY I SOUNDED—I was like,

Samesies! I worked in a special ed class and damn if I wasn't sick every Friday night. It ALWAYS went away by Sunday night, and then I was sick again the following Friday. And we were pretty fanatical about making the kids wash their hands before lunch and after using the bathroom.

You really shouldn't have a libertarian friend. They're really bad for your health.

You can have your personal opinion that placentas are gross. I think meatloaf is gross. I'm not going to demand everyone not tweet their meatloaves because of it.