All this time I thought labor was a perfectly coiffed, well-dressed woman touching her husband lovingly on the arm and saying "it's time." Then cut to a nurse wheeling in a bassinet.
All this time I thought labor was a perfectly coiffed, well-dressed woman touching her husband lovingly on the arm and saying "it's time." Then cut to a nurse wheeling in a bassinet.
I had my placenta dehydrated and encapsulated. Then I ate it.
I don't believe her videos did show anything up close.
I hate The Biggest Loser but I love Jillian Michaels' workouts. I definitely believe that part of the reason I love the workouts is because I really want her to like me and tell me I'm doing a good job.
I get the whole STFU Parents thing—I really do. (Although I happen to have a friend who pulls the STFU Parents card whenever I post anything related to my kid, like the time my dog ate his turd.) But at the same time, birth is so hidden from everyday life that we have no idea how to process it when we see it—or…
I struggle with this idea. I definitely think that for the first time, really, we're seeing major female characters who are flawed, have goals and desires, and have problematic relationships. At the same time, they're almost always manipulative, scheming, and generally made to be unlikable. We're not really supposed…
Oooooohhhhh Jesus....all of that. All of it...bad.
This is one of those things where if my kid did this, I would be wondering where I failed as a parent. Like, how did I fuck up so monumentally that my kid honestly believes he alone has this connection with a deeper plane of reality that no one else can access? And he has practically patented his "worried" face? I…
Fuck all, it's probably going to be a best-seller because the concept, plot, and characters were all thought up by some production company eager to make it into a movie, and the novel will be ghostwritten by some brilliant but underpaid grunt. And Kendall and Kylie will go on a book tour and talk about "future" and…
I still feel very conflicted about this... Like I just can't make sense of the world anymore. WHO AM I?
I was honest-to-God daydreaming the other day about how cool it would've been if I were friends with her daughters in high school, and she was that cool mom that becomes a surrogate mom for all the latch-key kids in the neighborhood. Like, I could tell her about how I just had sex for the first time and I didn't know…
And now I'm all fired up again. A few months ago I was at a workshop where the LivingSocial CTO and co-founder was speaking. He went on and on about how time-consuming startups are and how you're working around the clock during those first few months. And then he said something to the effect of "you just have to ask…
I've talked to several CEOs who were pregnant while they were fundraising, and they were all subject to the same questions: how are you going to run a company with a baby? Aren't you just going to want to stay home and raise your kid? Will you have the time to devote to a new baby AND a startup?
Just to clarify, I'm not personally saying she "uses abortion as birth control," nor do I feel that that's even an ok phrase to throw around. I'm just using that as an example of how she epitomizes the "bad" feminist that republicans like to rail against. I actually think the interview scene is really amazing in how…
So does this mean we're going to see a lot more labia from here on out? Last season it was underbutt and sideboob, this season it's side-vulva? I really struggled with the cheeky shorts last year because I really hated seeing everyone's underbutt. I don't want to see everyone's labia this spring...
The problem that I have with calling her a feminist at all is that she's the ultimate epitome of the "evil feminist" that the GOP routinely vilifies—and the kind of "feminist" that many people conceptualize when they say "I'm not a feminist." She's a greedy, power-hungry career woman who "uses abortion as birth…
Wow. That was pretty defensive. How about you're not uneducated and neither am I? I'm not a big dumdum who saw BOBB and decided to eschew hospitals forever. I made an informed, educated decision to have my son at a free standing birth center, based on actual studies showing that the risk of neonatal and maternal death…
Well we all have our anecdata. My mother worked for an OB who killed a newborn during delivery due to negligent mishandling of the vacuum. My sister was unnecessarily induced three weeks early, went into shock, and then was promptly advised to give her baby formula even though she wanted to breastfeed. My…
The Business of Being Born didn't say anything that hasn't already been said—and argued about—for years. The reality is that hospital births can be awful and the system is deeply flawed. Some women are really, truly traumatized by their hospital births, and too often they're called selfish because "the only thing that…
People hate Ricki Lake?