I am gonna fuck the shit out of Netflix when House of Cards is released. Get ready, Netflix: You gon' get all to' up this Valentine's Day.
I am gonna fuck the shit out of Netflix when House of Cards is released. Get ready, Netflix: You gon' get all to' up this Valentine's Day.
I'm going to cut my throat if I hear one more person say that we can't cut corporate tax breaks "because they create jobs!" As if all jobs are created equal and any job is good, even if it cannibalizes other, better-paying jobs because we like cheap shit. And why are republicans (I was going to say "people," but it's…
Wait a minute.
Sounds like 100% pure awesome sauce ;-)
I will indeed read that! Thanks for recommending!
Thank you! Because this is the kind of thing that Republicans count on. That's completely, totally, wonderfully awesome that this guy stepped up the way he did, but it sucks that Republicans count on this kind of "charity" to bridge the gap between subsistence and death.
I'm pregnant with my second son and I fully intend to homeschool both of them. I'm really freaked out by the culture of violence, rape, and bullying that kids are getting thrown into in a lot of schools now. My older son is two and he's such a sensitive, affectionate kid that I can't bear the thought of that being…
Wow. That guy sounds like quite the douche canoe. If there's anything worse than outright sexism, it's someone who defends that sexism by pulling out the ol' "when you do X, you'll understand" catchphrase.
But she holds the record for being the source of one of the two emotive faces the world has ever seen Putin make, the other one being that Super Bowl ring that he stole.
God, this pisses me off so much, because it's SO TRUE. If I have to skip out of work because my kid is sick, my boss gets it. But my husband works for a general contractor with a whole bunch of other dudes, and if he needs to ditch work to take care of our kid, he actually lies to his boss and tells him he has a…
Beautiful. Thank you for explaining the journey so succinctly! I had a trans roommate who broke it down for me so clearly and simply that it completely clicked at that point. I had asked him if he grew up feeling like a man in a woman's body, and he said "No. It would be like you, FaithM, are you. You do all the…
I love the "here are all the reasons why what I said didn't actually offend you" defenses. Like the other person is going to be like, "what you say makes a lot of sense. You're right—I'm not really offended at all!" As a heterosexual white woman, it seems kind of obvious to me that if I do something to piss of an…
"sorry for not being politically correct enough for you"
You know the shitty thing is that UAE women never had a choice to begin with. The new law states that the mother's milk belongs to the baby and is therefore entitled to it. Previously, a woman's breasts were deemed the property of her husband and if he didn't want her to nurse, it was considered his right to prevent…
Actually the number varies depending on race and motherhood status. White childless women make 90 cents to a man's dollar while black women make something like 54 cents to a white man's dollar. Married mothers make 73 cents to a man's dollar while single mothers make 60 cents.
My mom watches Fox News religiously and it's amazing the kind of shit they get away with. Like, any other journalist would have to support their statement with, like—facts. But Fox News? Pfffft. Facts shmacks.
There's a myth (entirely promulgated by the right wing) that the pay inequity between men and women is SOLELY due to women being more likely to take the Mommy Track out. While there is some truth to the fact that a woman's lifetime earnings take a hit with each year of work she takes off to stay home with children, it…
Man, I wish I was having a girl so I could put her in Girl Scouts. I'm currently baking our second and last baby, and it's a boy. I'm sure as shit not putting my sons in the Boy Scouts. I'm thinking Roots and Shoots or some other local nature group, but shit on a shingle...none of them have cookies!
I literally just bought enough Girl Scout cookies to cancel out at least five pro-lifers. I WANT ALL THE CARBS!
Capitalism: because the kids who paid for their lunches worked hard for their money, making sure to be born to financially stable parents and all.