
That's funny you mention this baby interventions—they were just talking about this on NPR yesterday. I can't remember the guest's name, but he was adamant that early intervention needs to start in utero—that pregnant mothers should be counseled not to gain too much weight (which I understand, but for different

I remember hearing warnings about well-meaning peds recommending "baby diets" based on formula-fed charts. Thankfully my pediatrician stays up-to-date on his literature and didn't hassle me about my son's weight. My son was born weighing 10 pounds and ballooned up to 14 pounds in his first month. He was such a jowly

Ftr, I love In&Out like my dog loves cat shit. They pay their workers fairly AND their food is awesome! It's enough to make me overlook the clandestine biblical versus they print on the bottom of all their cups and wrappers.

Or 3: One person making $15 has more money to spend on burgers him/herself, which drives up profits and allows for the creation of more jobs for the other two.

Phew. Glad they cleared that up for me. For a minute there, I was starting to think the GOP actually didn't think very highly of women. But that must've been my crazy lady brain running wild!

I happen to be adept at making/getting sandwiches when shoeless. I'm clearly ahead of the curve here...

I can determine that an entire demographic is actually outpacing the rest of the country based on one arbitrary metric too! Hispanics represent just 16% of the U.S. population but 41% of U.S. housekeepers. See! They're clearly doing much better than white housekeepers so there's obviously no institutional

Because he's complicated!

I desperately want Justin Bieber to stop wearing chunky gold chains with poofy baseball caps.

What totally sucks about stories like these is that this is basically the shit ALL conservatives believe in their little, shriveled black hearts. But every once in a while you get the super enthusiastic one who decides to shout it from the rooftops and then all the other conservatives are like "whaaat? Pfft. You're

Ugh. This, just after driving past a massive Planned Parenthood protest this morning. And the kicker: the protesters were almost ALL old white men. There were so many brown sweaters and khakis!

....And now I need to get back to work. Thanks, Erin.

But middle schoolers aren't adults and the school environment isn't the same thing as a working environment. I struggled in STEM classes because the boys always dominated the conversation and they tended to be more competitive, so I felt a lot of pressure not to speak up and potentially give the wrong answer and risk

Yaaasssss. Can't wait for all the "WHY ISN'T THERE A WHITE HISTORY MONTH?!?!" trolls—all of whom will use Morgan Freeman as their backup to prove they're not racist.

Btw, I'm super fucking sick to death of all the "HAPPY MLK DAY, CAN'T WE ALL JUST BE COLORBLIND?!" posts I'm seeing on FB today.

OMFG. When did MLK Day become "white folks air all the things they hate about black people who aren't Martin Luther King, Jr. with platitudes like 'underneath, we're all the same!!'"?

I don't think the article ever implied that she was forced to do anything against her will or that she was blackmailed in any way. The article also made it clear that she willingly participated in the sexting (although it's not clear to me that she ever actually SENT any sexts). But PPD is a mental disorder—it DOES

Do you not see the difference between an OBGYN treating a patient with postpartum depression and a pool boy? The story clearly states that she ended up in Dr. Muffley's care because during her first bout of PPD, she couldn't get treatment ANYWHERE. Yeah, I'd say that's pretty significant right there.

I do like how he's completely and utterly detestable in every possible way. Clearly a lib!