Every once in a while, I read/see something on Jezebel that's so mindblowingly offensive and outrageous that I have no other recourse than to get back to work.
Every once in a while, I read/see something on Jezebel that's so mindblowingly offensive and outrageous that I have no other recourse than to get back to work.
AGH! Fuck that shit! I was lucky that my undergrad school's English faculty consisted almost entirely of women. I think there were all of two male professors in the department and if they had tried any such bullshit, they would've been torn to shreds.
Oh! And then another student came up and introduced himself as a former student of Harold Bloom as well. It was like a big Harold Bloom circle jerk.
True story: in my first semester at NYU, I signed up for a class on literary theory with a prominent professor. In the very first class, he informed us that he was a pupil of Harold Bloom, he unveiled his syllabus—which was nothing but Phillip Roth and Raymond Chandler, and then he flipped the fuck out at a student…
So...what you're telling me is that St. Martin's Press has published a "how to detach your brain from your body when you're in an abusive relationship" guide. Is there any way to petition to get a book unpublished?
"That's an analogy that I made with my brain."
Because life is precious! And God! And the Bible!
Don't give it up too soon. But don't wait until marriage.
Ughughughugh...this is so awful. I can't decide whether to laugh or run screaming into the nearest wall over the fact that this is the second blog post/interview I've read this week in which a guy accused of misogyny decides to mansplain misogyny. This whole essay can be summed up as "I'm not a misogynist. You're all…
Preach it! I'm so sick of the "criminals will find a way to get guns" argument, because with that rationale, we'd better start selling cluster bombs and napalm at Walmart because I'll be damned if that scary looking teenager will get it before me—AND YOU KNOW HE'LL FIND A WAY TO GET IT.
I think this one is kind of common sense. Men and women are both going to look at one another and take stock, but the where, when, and how of it can make it either discreet and harmless or degrading and insulting. From my own perspective, there's a big difference between getting checked out by a guy at a bar and being…
When I was looking for a nanny, I interviewed a bunch and my main criterion came down to "who looks the least likely to shake my baby?"
OH Jesus Titstaring Christ! I was already gagging over his attempt to mansplain misogyny, but then THIS bullshit...this really drove it home: "women need to understand that when men do some of these things we’re just being men, we’re just letting off steam."
Yes. Seriously. I'm a business/technology reporter and one thing that really fries my nads is the assumption that venture capitalists (some 95% of which are male) are all totally objective and that the best startups are the ones that will get money. I could list SO MANY EXAMPLES of women-led businesses failing to get…
Why is she licking a sledgehammer?
Yes, this is exactly what my husband and I ran into when our son was born. My boss gave me 3 months off (which turned into 6 months off), but my husband had his one week of vacation time plus a couple of sick days. So when the Mitt Romneys of the world say they understand women's needs—because women need flexible work…
So now we're one step closer to the Human Centipede.
GOD dammit—I am so fucking fucktastically sick of this bullshit. It's so painfully obvious that conservatives' opposition to things like like universally free lunches or minimum wage increases have NOTHING to do with economics, otherwise we wouldn't have schools throwing money in the trash rather than feeding kids. It…
Seriously! She must still be hung up on Burt Reynolds' Playgirl spread.
"Did you know that once a male sees you in a state of undress, he can’t ever un-see it? You don’t want the Hall boys to only think of you in this sexual way, do you?"