
No. You're wrong. Because God! And the Bible!

It sounds like the Chicks on the Right are conflating "feminism" with "femininity." This totally reminds me of that scene in "This is Spinal Tap" where Fran Drescher tells Nigel that the album cover is sexist and Nigel's like "what's wrong with being sexy?"

I really think it's adorable when conservative women attempt to reclaim the word "feminism" by simply redefining it as "sassy!" Feminism isn't about equal pay and reproductive rights, it's about not being afraid to get chunky highlights and wear stilettos with jeans! I love Jesus AND red nail polish!

Anyone with a "black sounding" name is going to have more difficulty being hired for a job than a person with a white sounding name. That doesn't give a judge the right to change a baby's name for the sake of his future career. And I can't help but look at this case and think about the United States' historical legacy

God. Those poor women and babies : ( This article makes my heart hurt. I think you nailed it right on the head, though. So much abuse goes unreported in ultra insulated communities like this.

Ugh. I hate this guy. I'm a business/technology reporter and I was supposed to interview him once and he blew me off at the last minute. I later made a joke about him in my story because he likes to take a lot of glamour photos. Like, pics of him in the shower, pics of him making flirty eyes and doing the duckface,

God, yes! The righteousness of this comment is orgasmic. It seems like SAHM v. Career Mom discussion always takes the same paths when the truth is that not every stay-at-home-mom is rich and not every "working" mom is super in love with her job. And in many of these cases, the choice isn't even up to you. It comes

But but but—profit makes science better! More SCIENCY! What will happen to our science if we remove profit??? Won't someone PLEASE think of the science?!?!

I've heard of this magical place...

Jebus—these are the kinds of ideas you get when free market capitalism has to start thinking about social welfare. You end up with a retarded brand of free-market "socialism." We don't want full-on socialism (what are we, Norway?)—no, we'll just give the Plebeians access to more debt so they can attempt to keep up

Oh my God...I've been sucked into the new hybridized mommy wars! The "childless women are smarter" thing pissed me off. I was about to throw down for an IQ test against any childless woman right now. And then I read the quotes and got even angrier. And then I realized—it's all a ruse. None of my childless friends are

Dogs. They do it on brick walls.

So this is basically the crystallization of rape culture: "men who rape do so because they can't control themselves, they rape because they're sex addicts, they rape because women actually want it, etc etc." So this is what happens when rape culture is internalized by a particularly violent, sadistic person.

You know, it's just non-consensual sex. Just like how theft is actually non-consensual borrowing. Or how kidnapping is just taking someone for a non-consensual ride in the car. Or how breaking and entering is just a non-consensual sleepover.

Trouser curds... So long goat cheese crumbles. Looks like we're not hanging out anymore.

I imagine the class going something like this: "I know you don't want this baby, but there are so many people who want to adopt. You should really think about giving it up for adoption. Unless your black, lol. Then we're just gonna talk mad shit about you behind your back."

Wait a minute, no more than 30 days before an abortion? Once you take the three hour adoption class, your abortion certification expires in a month?? So at that point, you'll no longer be a licensed abortion getter?! Which means you won't even be able to put it on your résumé??

I knew I shouldn't have googled this, but I did. And now here we are....

Haaaaggghhhhh! Can't verbalize rage with my dumb, feminist, girl brain! It's even more infuriating when you remember that this is the same guy who said—what, a month ago?—that working mothers are catalyzing the downfall of American society. His evidence? "Science!" <—Direct quote.