Man if only he had worked this hard at actually Presidenting for the last 4 years!
Man if only he had worked this hard at actually Presidenting for the last 4 years!
No one can convince me that isn’t Kate McKinnon cosplaying as Victoria Jackson.
Three Funerals from a Wedding.
Hurry up and get in that grave, you asshole. I can’t hold this piss forever.
The only thing I hope is that after he dies, he just gets completely forgotten. Buried by history. I hope all the bad things in the world happen to you and only you.
That’s the thing, originalism doesn’t work unless you deliberately omit parts of the Constitution itself.
They’re on their way to become the next Kentucky AG.
Steroids are performance enhancing drugs. TEST HIS ASS at the next debate.
Indeed. It’s like a jerk census. The Venn diagram of Trump voters and colossal assholes is just one circle.
I like people who don’t need to contract an illness to realize it’s a bad idea.
Hey, this is America. We can be stupid in LOTS of different ways at the same time!
You may be confusing him for egyptologist Ben Carson.
Critical thinking needs to be taught every single year from grade 1 on to 12.
It’s scary that X is probably the most mature person in the Musk household.
lol nothing will ever come close to trump. Nothing. Not even an actual baby
A little bit of that. A little bit of untreated bipolar disorder. A good amount of cocaine.
Wah wah wah!! Trump is still the most immature crybaby on earth but Elon is closing the gap quickly...