
The million bodies problem.

I was just gonna say “troll.”

I do not guide my posts by what is financially beneficial but what I believe is interesting or important or entertaining to the public.

Musk is a fucking POS, and you shouldn’t give him any of your hard earned money by buying a tesla.

It’s giving me Millie Bobby Brown vibes for some reason....

That number is an approximate, the most precise speed for c is 299,792,458 metres per second.

I think the phrase “weakened dinosaur” is key, here. The Gizmodo write-up omits any reference to this. Looking at the relative sizes of the animals shown, I’d bet this was an opportunistic act rather than typically sized prey for the mammal.

Immediately brought this to my mind:

Unless your name is Shelly Miscavige.

I propose that we start using “Elon” as a slur.

Can you imagine the reaction from Fox News and social media if we tried banning harmful substances like leaded gasoline, leaded paint or CFCs in 2023 rather than the 70s or 80s? The MAGA crowd would hold rallies where the attendees spray cans of Aqua Net into the air. Mike Lindell would hawk cans of lead paint on TV

No, he is demonstrating his fitness to live in FL.

Well if he wanted to drop his girlfriend he could just send her a text.

You’re not wrong. The two things aren’t mutually exclusive.

Tucker is why we can’t have nice things.

but the air force was also a division of the army that was “parsed out.”

So finally an evolutionary biologist gets a Nobel.

Pääbo is currently the director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany and is a professor at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology in Japan.

Hey, hot take, but it’s pretty cool that humanity has a space probe that is 14 billion miles away from Earth that is still transmitting data back to us, right?

Now playing

Whoever has this franchise is going to make a fortune...